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Showing posts from 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Ten new year's resolution points

Dear Christmas: How have you been? How has the celebration been? I understand how you imposed stress on people this season. It is just remaining few days to crossover to 2020. My aim of writing you this letter is to tell you how far the new year resolution would be. Some people sacrificed lives to get money to celebrate this Christmas. They forgot that this Christmas celebration is just one week. 25th December is the

Responsibility before bold step

Success is all about responsible and being responsible is all about taking responsibility. Taking responsibility is not working because others are working but working with a purpose. Doing because others are doing is simply to please others but doing with focus and intention to impact in others and fulfil your purpose is what makes you a great and ambitious person. Following others' footstep doesn't make you unique rather it makes you

Marriage weaknesses

The man keeps late nights He doesn't take her out He is very ashamed to walk in the street with her He doesn't give her money for her up-keep or care about her welfare No love, affection No rose flower under the pillow, no love messages from work to her They don't fly a kite together She doesn't make his bed She doesn't cook for him The maid cooks and serves him dinner She faces the other way while he faces

Causes of divorce

Lack of understanding see also , " Poor understanding ": Poor understanding in marriage between the spouses goes a long way to increase the rate of misunderstanding that creates a serious loophole that affects a marriage not to stand and or being effective and fruitful. Domestic violence see also , " What is domestic violence? " This is one the things that causes problem in a marriage. Some women feel hurt when a man hit them. They feel

Early signs of divorce

What is divorce?  Divorce is the result of absence of marriage incentives and motivators. Such incentives as flavour and aroma of marriage which when found wanting cause marriage to lose its flavour and salty taste. Motivators such as " understanding and loyalty ". What is marriage? Marriage is the flavour of life. Just like a tree gives shade, same does marriage shade us. Any woman who is not married is without a shade, because the man is her protector and the woman is a coverage. Likewise any

Brotherhood a short story

"I need your help," Nkem said. "I have no dime on me right now, I'm yet to receive my wage," Nkem further explained. The phone dropped on her ear. She rang the phone again. He busied the call. She tried reaching him it was "the number you are calling is not reachable please try again later or you can drop a voice message," was what she heard. She kept dialing his number, suddenly, "hello! hello!! hello!!! I can't hear you. What are you saying," he dropped the

How to reduce domestic violence

Peaceful discussion Quiet and pillow talk Attending marriage counseling Visiting a therapist when necessary Being flexible Having understanding Ignoring her rantings and nagging Not talking back at him Obeying and respecting him Not snubbing him Making him feel secured Not flaunting his orders Apologizing to him whether or not you are at fault Hasten to reconciling with him

Causes of domestic violence

Bad-tempered To be uncivilized Lack of tolerance Poor understanding Rigid pattern of communication Unattractive wife to the husband Lack of perseverance Lack of trust No love and affection Irresponsibility.  Ill-tempered has a lot to contribute in the act of domestic violence. See also, " temperament and strengths and weaknesses "

Lois turns grannie

Have you ever taken a mirror to see yourself for just three years of marriage. Does becoming a mother make you to be unattractive? You don't take care of your body?" he paused.  See also , " Your body value "Always unkempt hair, your dresses, looking very shabby and tattered with an irritating chubby physique. You prefer dressing like an old woman in the village. The only thing you know this days is eating cheese like kids. You now think and act like kids and overfeeding yourself. Do you really expect me to take you out and proudly show you off to my friends. You disgust me," Santa complained.

Negative or positive influence quotes

Watch it, it is either your friend is influencing you or you are influencing your friend. Then the question is positive or negative influence? Applying wisdom when necessary is paramount in a man's life. Next time when you see people doing well don't envy them because you don't know what they went through to get there. Greed and over ambition kill. If a man finds himself in a storey building he would be asking for a mansion. If you are in a mansion you would be verging for a Paradise. Cool money is nurtured. Success is set goal accomplished. Go in the company of good people. Those who count others success are those who look for success where it cannot be found. You don't achieve success to impress people but to change lives. You don't achieve success to intimidate people but to encourage them that they may as well achieve greater success. People do deadly things to achieve great success but when it back fires you regret and wish you rather remain poor. Do ...

Experience expands knowledge

Challenges show you are doing something different and extraordinary. People who engage in awful activities that are so little show there uniqueness for doing what others couldn't do. Experienced people are those making steps toward success. The level of experience you have determines the level of knowledge you have. If you don't have experience then you are not doing something. How many failures a man encounters shows how many trials and errors he

What you believe makes you

Nobody makes you who you are. Nobody decides for you on your desires. Desire is what hungers the heart. In essence your desire becomes your expectation and your expectation is as a result of your believe of achieving it. Someone else's belief cannot be the same as yours and therefore cannot affect negatively on you if only you know where you stand and what you stand for. What you believe is what makes your name. Your success and failure depend

Living on others' footprint

You can't eat your cake and have it back. If you do something because others do, they may get away with it but sure you won't get away with it. Why because; You're an emulator, yours would always be imitation. You don't know the whole trick involved You're just a learner Why do you really have to do something because others do? Because you think they feel good doing it

What it takes to serve humanity

To serve humanity you must have these qualities: —Learn how to serve yourself first. See also, " Upgrading from maintenance " —Selflessness —Humility —Loyalty —Putting others first —Sensitize others on the needful —Identify the core needs —Finding lasting solution to the problems relentlessly

The major fear of change

The major fear of change is fear of rejection. All human being wants to be liked. The desire to be accepted by family, friends and business acquaintance. People seek approval from those around us. This is because no one wants to  be criticized or talked about (negatively). No one wants to be made fun of. To be caricatured is the last desire of human being. One of the biggest lies ever memorized by children is; sticks and stones may break my bone but names will never hurt

Why wealth does not come from your job

Wealth does not come from your job; it comes from your gift. Respect is a result of your gift. It does not come because you seek it. Respect is from the manifestation of your function, your gift, your leadership spot. That's why they call on you. That's why people who need your gift call on you. They will look for you no matter the distance. Your specialty makes you valuable, and I tell you everyone was born with a specialty—no one was created to take up space. May I also remind us that disrespect is a result of ignorance of function. What

How your passion becomes pleasure

When you are in your leadership spot, everything you do is joy—your work is joy. When you find that spot, going to work is pleasure. Once you have realized that your leadership is in your spot —your area of gifting because He has prepared a place—home—your spot, then you sure will begin to manifest it. Leadership is having something for which everybody is going to come to you. Your gift becomes your produce—the goods you sell to the world—your

Why you should stop running in competition

You should stop running in competition because the only person you should compete with in life is yourself. What you should be concerned is how well you can perform in your leadership spot. Every human being possessed leadership potential. The reason you suffer from jealousy is that you think that people can take your spot. And the reason you are suspicious of people is that you are afraid someone can take your place in life. The reason you compete with other people for

The evidence of manifesting your gift

When you start manifesting your gift, whenever the need of your gift arise, you would be called. This is because your gift is so valuable, people send for you.  A person's gift opens the way and brings him into the presence of the great. Your gift won't manifest itself until it is moved to manifest. It is your responsibility to manifest it. It may also interest you to know that every human has a place in the universe of humanity. The universe has a place for your gift. You can only

The great problems of humanity

Among the great problems of humanity is 'self-doubt' Those who doubt themselves do not know who they are; they try to be everybody else; they doubt their abilities, therefore they put on other people's identities. Just like our Saviour, He never automatically accepted others' opinions of Him. Someone might have called you stupid, and you believe you are stupid. Perhaps you even quit school because of it. People might have called you ugly, and now you think you are ugly. You

What consolatory words are

Once we truly know that life is difficult, once we truly understand and accept it, then life is no longer difficult. Why? Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Always remember to ask for this— God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It is necessary to know the difference between things you can change and things you cannot change. See also, " facts of life and problems of life "

Beauty is in the character

I don't want to marry because of beauty. I am going to marry because of character—good character," Kunle said. "I swear, I must marry a beautiful girl, good character or not. You know I like beautiful things, classy ladies wearing heavy make-up," Tombo declared. Lola is beautiful but her character disqualifies her as a true beauty. Tombo married her with the consolatory words "she will change". Lola's character flaws, she is infidelity. Tombo continues to endure her long lasting immoral

Are there characteristics that effective leaders have in common?

Leadership is inherent. Success at it will require some preparation. In order to carry out the mission, orders or contracts, a leader must have some assets. The question of: are there characteristics that effective leaders have in common? Now, let's start it this way. If you studied the lives of great leaders, even those around you, I guess you would be able to see some similarities. Leaders inspire . To inspire is to activate, to mobilize. To inspire is to make others internalize your

People who try to pursue greatness

People who try to pursue greatness are usually not yet leadership material. This is to say, to tap into that power and step out as a leader, you must follow a process. Whosoever wants to be a leader must first be servant.  Our world is legion of  potential leaders. We need to recognize and nurture the gifts in ourselves and in others. We all must achieve our own potential and help others achieve theirs. When we really know people and their gifting, we change our attitudes towards

Relevant questions you should ask yourself

To explore your spot and your purpose, ask yourself some questions such as: Who am I? What do I do? These are the first questions. Followed by— Can I be a servant? see also " Servant leadership " Do I really want to be the slave? See also " What is the cost? " Am I willing to be the youngest? See also " Why you have to desire for greatness " What's my function? What is my purpose? See also " Identifying with your purpose " What is my gift? See also " why the world is in need of direction "

Why the world is in need of direction

This world we live in today is in need of direction for a better tomorrow. Never estimate the power of one self. Every now and then we seek leaders who will better people's lives—and often this process produces a cadre of leaders on every continent, who at the end, in turn, disappoint the voters and the entire clan or province with abuse of power and corruption. Meanwhile, the search for true leaders goes on for instance every four years in Nigeria.

What is the key to success?

Let's start it this way; the key to success is discovering your uniqueness and significance. Now, the question should be: what is this uniqueness and significance all about? Each of us makes ourselves valuation to the world by identifying a gift so unique that no one can find our skills and contributions anywhere else. No matter how insignificant you see that your area, don't be dismayed. Those products you want to venture into business to deal on may look

Negative effects of being in the wrong spot

Frustration was what we discussed on in our previous posts as one of the negative effects of being in the wrong spot. We shall be discussing on other effects such as; Desperation Once you are pursuing your purpose and using your gifts, you experience fulfilment. You can imagine how luckier you can be then to spend your time doing something that pleases you and pleases your Creator. You're pleased because you can use your area of gifting

How you can find the right job

How to find the right job It is true that next to salvation, marriage, and your family, your vocation is the most important thing in your life. Because of that I would have to give you the practical suggestions. It may interest you to know that finding a lifetime vocation is really not too difficult. But don't expect it to be the dramatic thing it is for some people. Most of us hear our Creator by the gentle urging of our hearts, our burden that he puts into our hearts to do

A woman called after a moon

A good woman is a moon to a man. But an easy virtuous woman is a star. There are always many stars up in the sky but a moon is scarce and always one moon could be found among many stars," Ogazi said. "I believe my wife, Sophia is a moon. She is a prestigious woman. Very submissive. And serving me like her king. She is very caring and loving," Okachie boasted. Ogazi was very surprised to listen to him talk. He pitied him. "My wife could be troublesome but she still has pride. I

A man married twenty-four wives

Chief Nnaji why did you marry twenty-four wives?" Jonah asked. Nnaji is a man of affluence and he doesn't take advice from anybody. He thinks and acts anything that comes out of his mind. "Do you really have to ask me this? Anyways I still would share with you the reason I married twenty-four wives. Now, sit down on the sofa. Would you mind having a drink with me?" Nnaji asked. "No, thanks. But water would be okay for now," replied Jonah. "I observed you have many children, how many are

Two ways to escape from your challenges

Every time you have been knocked down by the challenges of life, be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. Face it! There are only two ways to escape challenges and we shall discuss it here.  See also " how to escape poverty lin e" Pressure: It is said that pressure brings the greatest among us into light. It is when you have challenges that you expect great things. That shows you are really " working something out " without challenges you would never grow. Don't you get it? You can't succeed without challenges. Don't worry you have to know all you

A man married his wife in death

You must marry her in death. Since you show no respect—did not avail yourself the opportunity you have all these years to know the family of the woman you have been living with for many years. Having five children for you. You don't care to know if she was a ghost or not. What were you thinking?" Ochiri, Asa's father yelled. "Not just that you have been living with her but having children with her without a bottle of drink to her people. What an irresponsible act?" Eme said. Asa, our daughter was taken by you. Not even taken, you kidnapped her, used her until death. You made her

Why you should not strive to be great

Strive not to be great but to be serving:  Not how much money can we get from a customer, but how much better can we serve the customer? Let our question always be, how can we make customers' lives easier and more convenient? Let your concern be—how can we give them better quality? It is possible that, if the organizations of the world strive to become servant leaders, they will become great companies in the generation. What this implies is this—if you want to be great serve. Learn how to serve. Servant

Why you have to desire for greatness

The desire for greatness is the source of purpose and inspires meaning. It gives the human spirit the motivation to aspire. The desire for greatness is where the incentive for progress, development and inventions is birthed. Of course greatness is good! Anyone can be great. Now this is the secret: don't be deceived with this, if you want to be great, "don't desire greatness, don't try to be great" that is a deadly disease to greatness. And such discouragement easily comes

How you can serve your gift to be great

Greatness is serving your gift: Greatness is inherent in the human spirit and is a principal motivation for all human action and decisions. Few would admit this reality, and most would deny it. Many parades their denial in a display of false humility claiming they only want to serve, when in fact their motivation for service is attention, recognition, and admiration. Meanwhile, self-serving is disguised as humility. Perhaps even the definition of greatness must be rediscovered and the traditional concept challenged,

Find out the secrets of success

Serve—the first of all: Dream no small dreams around here, because nothing is impossible. What is leadership? It is, above all, service . A leader is a servant of the people. The teaching of Christ. How do you become a leader by serving? Simple you have to serve something to the world. You are great when you develop your gift so well that the first person they think of when they want something done is you. Do not consider that abuse. That's greatness. The other people are not producing; you are. That

Why you should think of your physical body

Your body value: We are conditioned to think of our physical bodies with great negative judgement. Take a higher step in loving yourself by laying aside every self judgement as you consider new higher views of your body. Your body is of utmost importance to fulfilling your highest reason for being alive. Your body is your vehicle for expressing love and fulfilling your highest purpose. Meanwhile, your life needs a vehicle for expressing love and your Highest

Why you should honour and speak your feelings

To honour and speak your feelings is healing to your heart. Let's start it this way, do you know what you are feeling at this moment? If you do, then do you speak up and share your feelings? When you honour your feelings, you come to your own aid with empowerment. Listening to your feelings gives you information that helps resolve inner struggles and needs. Without knowing your feelings, you neglect a basic need that enables you to be happy and free. And as a habit stuffing down feelings leads to a practice of low self esteem. It sends a message that you and your feelings are not important or that are not worthy of being known. Instead of you being defined by your feelings, look at your feelings from a point of observation and learn about yourself. Do you know why feelings are interesting? Because they tell us when we feel free, anger, hurt, guilt, sadness shame as well as when we feel like crying. Our feelings tell us how we view ourselves. They also help us identify what ma...

Why you are alive

You're alive to know and fulfill your highest purpose in life.  Why are you here on earth? What's your reason for being? What are the gifts you have come here to share? What's your destiny? Now, these wonderful questions deserve to be answered within your soul as part of loving your magnificent, core self. There is a mission within you, deeply encoded yearning to be known and expressed. So you have to listen to the intuitive voice within you as you  consider what makes your heart sing.

What is love invitation?

Now tell me, how open are you to receiving love generously? We encourage you to open your heart to all that Love wants you to experience. Loving people often find it easier to love others more than themselves, but this is not Love's way. Love is universal It embraces everyone fully—and that includes you, yes! Loving yourself is part of Love's wonderful plan for your life. When you love yourself you feel happiness and you are sure of achieving success. Know this, loving yourself is not about ego or selfishness. It is about opening

What is love alignment?

Think of love as a Higher Power, a divine Presence, and the Source from which all love originates and flows. This is what you align yourself with as a love master. We have what we call "love alignment", in love alignment you think, feel, speak and act as love itself—the universal force of compassion, healing and unity. Envision this as a description of you. Love flows through you so thoroughly that it would be more accurate to say that love is expressing itself as you.

How to escape poverty line

Education is the only way you are ever going to escape poverty. It's the only way you are ever going to get ahead in life and be successful. There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave. There are souls that are pure and true. Then give the world the best you have. And the best will come back to you. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.

Things to learn about how to adore her

A woman is special and beautiful. The man has to remind her how beautiful and pleasurable she is. Defining her specialty starting from her hair to her toe. See also " tips for investing in her ".  We have to look into her lifestyle in marriage regarding temperaments. As a general rule, the easiest person in the world to get along with is the phlegmatic, see also " the easiest way to identify your temperament " especially a woman. She loves to

Gentleness, service and Goodness

Gentleness   Now, if you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day—go fishing  If you want happiness for a lifetime—help someone else. When was the last time you consciously thought about being gentle or saying something gentle to others? I tell you it's almost impossible to be wrapped up in your own troubles and be gentle at the same time. Gentleness is not a sign of weakness. Rather it is a sign of great strength. But as you continue your journey to feeling great, your focus will change from your own inward struggles to the problems and difficulties others face. When you begin to think of others your own suffering begins to fade. Service   If you wish to be a leader you will be frustrated, for very few people wish to be led. And if you wish to be a servant, you will never be frustrated. It's only a servant can make a good leader. See also   Servant leadership and benefits It is observed that throughout history, most of...

Love, Friendship and Hope

Love   Let's start it this way. Are you experiencing a broken or damaged relationship? Have you been deeply hurt by someone? How should you respond to these types of circumstances? Always act like our Saviour acts. Love them. Our Saviour commanded that we were to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. He then gave us a more difficult command—to love our enemies. This was not a request based on feelings; it's an act of obedience that is stronger than mere

Happiness, Joy and Peace

Happiness    You should know that when one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. Everyone seeks happiness, but somehow it eludes many people. No one can find it directly. It comes only when we busy ourselves in following Christ. Happiness is like the butterfly that is chased but not caught. It is when we stop chasing it that it comes quietly

Kindness, Encouragement and Trust

Kindness  It is very easy to say something unkind or to involve in an unkind act. Yet it takes energy, courage, and insight to be thoughtful. You may feel that certain individuals have treated you in a very unkind manner. Though this hurts. You cannot change what people have done. However, you can change your attitude toward others by being kind to them. That's a poor example, don't follow them. Always choose to be a very considerate

Habits, devotion/fixity of purpose and temptation

Habit People are creatures of habit. Some of our habits are good, such as brushing our teeth and some habits are bad, such as losing our temper. Habits are developed by repeating specific actions over and over. And usually, the only way to get rid of bad habit is to replace them with good habits. If the void of the bad habit is not filled with something good, the bad will often return. Pick out a habit you would like to replace and a behavior to replace it with. Start now,

Laziness, selfishness and courage

Laziness This often times enters our lives when we face an unpleasant task. We think that by putting off an action maybe it will disappear. When we get behind in tasks and responsibilities, our failure to perform grows until any task seems too large and requires too much energy. The value placed on the task or responsibility determines the amount of effort we will put forth to accomplish the end result. So now, how much is it worth to you to change how you have been living and feeling? That's a

Conscience, pride and backsliding

Conscience   On this journey to feeling great, it is important to become sensitive to the still, small voice of your conscience. Your conscience may suggest, it is better to leave some things unsaid. It may tell you that you have hurt someone's feelings. This inner voice has been given to you by God to help direct your moral behaviour. Your conscience helps you determine right from wrong. It tells you to forgive others and to ask for forgiveness yourself. 

Patience, faith, confidence

Patience Have you ever thought about where patience comes from? It comes from trouble. Patience isn't needed when everything is working well and you are getting your way. Patience only increases when it's being exercised. As you persevere through these days of feeling greatness, you will develop more patience because you are working through problems and trials. Patience is an excellent by-product of the process.

Affliction, anger and fear

Affliction   Sincerely speaking, it's not fun to encounter hardships, sufferings, and trials. It's very painful. Yet in the midst of problems, it's easy to become lost in all of the hurt. If you focus on the discomfort, your motivation for change will decrease. As you begin your journey to feeling greatness always ask our Creator for help as to help you learn from your circumstances—always ask Him to give you the strength to endure with patience your present trials and experience the joy of spiritual growth. Anger   We all should know that anger is a signal that something is wrong. Who or what's the focus of your life? Is your feeling based on a real or an imagined hurt? If your anger is imagined. Always ask our creator to help you view the situation correctly. If it is real, confess it to the one who hurt you. And remember to ask Him for the grace to forgive him or her. See also  " forgiveness is golden " Don't let anger grow and fester in your soul. ...

Commitment, obedience, and responsibility

Commitment   This is a good day to examine your commitment. What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to put time, money, and energy into? What activities are you willing to back with action and not just talk? Commitment demands persistence and perseverance—a willingness to pay the cost. See also " What is the cost? " There may be many pressures to discontinue the course you are on. Always ignore them. To commit everything to our Creator means

Worry, hatred and revenge

Does it pay to worry? But do you know that at times things you worry about never happen. Worry keeps them away. Worry consumes your thoughts and makes you unproductive. And it changes absolutely nothing. The opposite of worry is trust. If you're worrying then you're not trusting God. Do you think our Creator is caught off guard by your problems. Don't you think that because He cares about the birds of the air—He also cares about what you are facing. Only drop your worry at His

It's time you had a talk with yourself

Of course our patterns of thinking can influence health, longevity, success, and scores on achievement test among other aspects of life. "Our expectancies not only affect how we see reality but also affect the reality itself" I believe that for a given level of intelligence.  While styles of thinking are generally stable over a person's lifetime. There is a belief that styles can be changed. Changes made in the thinking styles of individuals from pessimistic to optimistic persisted for one year after

Depression, loneliness and guilt

Depression, loneliness and guilt are three enemies of success  Depression makes you want to withdraw from other people and life in general. This emotion usually comes as a result of being deeply hurt by someone or encountering a specific, difficult situation. Loss, loneliness and guilt are often found in depression, and anger is a strong component. To overcome this emotion, acknowledge the hurt, work through the anger, just focus on God's great works in your past, think about what is true and right.

Heart fulfilling life goals

If you think you cannot do anything; count yourself dead. But remember, it's only a coward that fights and didn't just run away but confirms that he is a loser. Dreams and pursuits are the vehicles that carry success, and vehicle can only ride on successfully if the rider is focused. See " focus is all you need to succeed " The only measure of what you believe is what you do. If you want to know what people believe don't read what

Route to success

Giving people the motivation to grow without also providing them the means of doing it, is a tragedy. He is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted and he is still wiser who from among the things he can do well, not only that he also chooses and resolutely follows the best.  Most people don't have a natural knack for spotting their greatest areas of potential. They need help doing it, especially as they begin growing and striving to reach their potential. See " wrong spot " It's important for you to impact in lives positively for their growth.  There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being. To help others succeed. To help others enlarge themselves is one of the most incredible things you can ever do for them.  The success journey growing to reach your potential is one of the three components to being successful. Mark this point " along with knowing your purpose and sowing seeds that be...

How you can move from zero to hero

Giving can take you from zero to hero. Now we have many types of unacceptable giving that can bring you to your zero level in life. Only those who learn to release their seed can increase their harvest. The foolish man hoards to increase but the wise gives to increase. If you give trickles, you get trickles in return.  Give bountifully you reap bountifully. See also  " secret of sowing " proud giving, here gifts that ooze out or emanate from such a heart is not blessed

Development of integrity is the inside job

The reason many people struggle with integrity issues is that they tend to look outside themselves to explain any character. It's true that many people of poor character would not be the way they are if only they had grown in a different environment. Now it's true that our upbringing and circumstances affect who we are, the greater number of choices we make, either for good or bad. Two people can grow up in the same environment, even in the same

Ogbanje (Water spirit)

Onuwa, the daughter of Olisa, the granddaughter of Nuego, according to tradition of Ndielu village in Agunta autonomous community, she was sent by the water goddess Ukulele to serve the people. Onuwa was very beautiful with gap teeth. Always smiling. She never felt sad. She was very quiet but jovial, her voice was soft and couldn't be heard.  Nwokocha married Onuwa and sent to his son, Somadina, without enquiring from the goddess. Ukulele's consent was

How to attack your lack

Sometimes we are in financial difficulty because of our own poor choices or mistakes. At other times, there are situations we didn't create that make our lives difficult. There are times we can feel like victims of other people's decisions, of an unexpected illness or accident, or of a wide world economic crisis that threatens our financial future. The playing field is not always level when it comes to our financial security. Our creator is the master in times of

My husband's concubine

Orima, my co-wife has taken my husband away from me. It's as if I am fighting to have my husband back," Agbomma said. "Since her husband my late brother died, I have been taking care of Orima. It's my responsibility to take care of her and her children," he said. Agbomma was very disappointed because she knew it wasn't ordinary. Her loving and kind husband now turned to a monster. Because of her late brother's wife, Orima. Soon Orima gained his trust, Echiozo

How to develop and maintain integrity

Integrity by taking care of the little things— That's why it's crucial to maintain integrity by taking care of the little things. Many people misunderstand that. They think they can do whatever they want when it comes to the small things because they believe that as long as they don't have any major issues—they are doing well—but that's not the way it works. Integrity commits itself to character over personal gain, to people over

Two ways to get started

There are two ways to get started. One was to begin dealing with small issues in life.  Having victory in small areas would give you motivation to overcome larger areas of difficulty The other method for getting started was to deal with the large issues first and then go to the smaller issues.  Change does not happen all at once. Life is a continual process of growth through struggles. Remember nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Making

Influence and Integrity quotes

The need for integrity today is perhaps as great as it has ever been. And it is absolutely essential for anyone who desires to become a person of influence. Even if you have a negative effect on others in the past, you can turn that around and make your impact a positive one. You can be a model to the masses, but to go to the highest levels of influence, you have to work with individuals. If your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer Influence does not come to us instantaneously.  It grows by stages. Integrity sure quality most needed to succeed in business. Character is made in the small moments of our lives. If you nurture others but allow them to become dependent on you, you are really hurting them,  not helping them. Without love there can be no connection no future and no success together. When a person feels encouraged, he can face the impossible and overcome incredible adversity. For most people, it's not what they are tha...

Upgrading from maintenance to multiplication

Everyone has the potential to multiply influence by developing and reproducing leaders. To awaken the reproducer in you, make the following principles a part of your life: Leading yourself well —being able to lead others begins with leading yourself well. You can't just reproduce what you don't have. The number one reason leaders are unsuccessful is their inability to lead themselves. When we think about self leadership, many qualities come to mind, such as integrity, right priorities, vision, self discipline, problem- solving skills, a positive attitude etc. Desire and a game plan for personal development can help you cultivate these qualities but the greatest obstacle to becoming a leader may be yourself of course yourself. All the significant battles are waged within the self. And if you make personal growth, your weekly goal and daily discipline, you become a reproducer of leaders. What we do to some occasion will probably depend on what we already are. And what we ar...

Adding value to other people is the work of a positive influencer

As you move up to the higher levels of influence and become an active influencer, you can begin to have a positive influence on people and add value on their lives. That's true for any positive influencer. The baby-sitter who reads to the child encourages him to love books and helps him become a lifelong learner. The teacher who puts his faith, confidence, and love on a child helps the child to feel valued and good about herself. That boss who delegates to the employees and gives them authority as well as responsibility enlarges their horizons and empowers them to become better workers and people. Even the parents who know how to give their children grace and when to, also help them to stay open and communicative. All of these people add lasting value to the lives of other people. One thing is this, we don't know what kind of influence you have on others, today as you read this article. Your actions may touch the lives of thousands of people. Perhaps you use the opportunity ...

Do you know that your influence is either positive or negative?

Now, it's believed that you recognize your influence with others, you must think about how you are going to use it.  Remember, even if you have had a negative effect on others in the past, you can turn that around, and make your impact a positive one.  Most of the time we recognize the influence we have on those who are closest to us in our lives—for good or ill. But sometimes we overlook the impact we can have on other people around us. 

Does everyone have influence?

Influence doesn't come to us instantaneously. It grows by stages.  Everyone has influence. This list is created almost at random, selecting well-known people as well as ones from our lives such as a politician, like president of United States. We have other people of influence like Madonna and other great entertainers who virtually influence an entire generation of people in one or more cultures. You could just as easily do the same thing. We did it to make a point:

What it means to be deceptive

You're my fiancee, we will soon get married. Necessary marriage preparations are being made. I have started making enquiries about your tradition and marital rites," Samankwe said. "But have you bothered to ask me about how to see my parents? Many a time have I told them about you and they have been expecting your visit," Salome said abruptly. "I love you and your love for me is undeniable, we can make this work,"

Are you a compulsive or an obsessive person?

Similarities and differences between obsession and compulsion; Compulsions are similar to obsessions, in the individuals have repetitive, meaningless urges. These usually are displayed in trivial behaviours that take a ritualistic character. Compulsive behaviour include picking up things on the sidewalk or touching every other lamppost. However, people with compulsions are feeling an anxiety they usually can't define. They believe that by following a

Shameless Toyin

Sade was lamenting. "I was on my duty post, yesterday, Thursday afternoon, my boss was at home because he was off-duty. I heard my boss called in whisper, I answered, he placed his cell phone on my ear, what I heard was my madam's sexual moaning. At a point I withdrew my ear and tears profusely trickled down my cheeks. I asked myself questions which I was unable to answer. "Why did my madam decide to cheat on my boss?" My boss is handsome, tall, kind and loving. So

What habit do you desire to change?

The mind unlearns with difficulty what has long been impressed on it. A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit. It takes approximately some days to firmly establish patterns of behaviour.  For example, let's take smoking. When a person smokes their first cigarette, it is not a pleasant experience. With the first attempt at inhaling, the individual coughs, chokes, and his or her body rebels at having smoke in the lungs. It's good to know this, it is only by

How to decide on your goals

Great minds have purpose, others have wishes.  The next step towards taking charge of your life is writing down the goals you would like to accomplish. Until you write them down and begin to act in them,  they are only dreams. " Thinking is different from action " if you see people who write down their goals, they reach 95% or more of those their goals. Goal sheet can be broken into nine areas: spiritual goals, goals with spouse,

Productive or futile years?

How long do you think you will live? Anyway that's not a question meant for you. Of course no one knows for sure how long they will live. But always have it in mind that there is no time to waste. You only have to focus on the limited and estimated time you have to do all the things you would like to accomplish. It primarily deals with the productive years ahead of you. So long as there is life in you, you have to think productive and be optimistic about your future. Now, what would you like to experience? What would you like to learn or be part of in the days ahead? Is there something you would like to shape or change before you run out of time? Will there be something you leave behind that will be better than what you found? All these are self questions and once you are able to ask yourself and focus on them, it will help direct you to your designated destination . Age is never a barrier, regardless of your age, you can do more than you think. You may have a desire to go back...