In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first
- Lack of understanding see also, "Poor understanding":
- Domestic violence see also, "What is domestic violence?" This is one the things that causes problem in a marriage. Some women feel hurt when a man hit them. They feel
- Cheating:
- Negligence of duty: when a man fails to perform his duty. He didn't carry his duty out, the marriage would definitely crumble. Likewise the woman, once she is unable to carry out her supposed duty in the home, the man would have no choice than to be forced to nullify the marriage.
- Lack of care, love and affection:
- Gender inequality: this is one of the reasons why women have been fighting for gender equality. Most men would want to treat the woman with unreserved respect. They would talk to their wife as if she was one slut or one night stand. This doesn't augur well for women. Because they know they are weaker vessels they wouldn't want a man make them look that weaker. Women love men who would cherish and respect them even in their worthless state and attitude.
At a certain point she wouldn't want to condole the man's embarrassment and consistent yelling at her, they would resort to divorce. This raise when the said existing love fades out in marriage.
"Why divorce?"
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