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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Reasons African ladies can't marry a man younger

"Age is just a number," people would rightly say. Nigerian ladies value the age of their men. No Nigerian lady will show or give respect to a guy they are older than. No argument about this. It is true that few ladies lately give in to marry men that are younger than they are to the extent of wide age rank or difference of ten years younger than the lady. But many a woman has sworn never to marry a man between their age bracket or below. Some said they won't marry a guy two months younger than they are.

Like we said earlier that an African woman in fact, Nigerian lady likes to value, measure or grade her man based on age while other things like his achievements fall into place second.

We are in modernization world, computer or jet age but an African woman remains an African woman nothing changes that cultural value. A woman who marries a younger guy will mean forcing herself to practice white man's culture. The good news remains that Africans cannot be whites, they are still Africans, in fact, Nigerians whose cultures and traditions are their value and what represent them.

Hence there are certain reasons why African ladies can't marry men younger than they are:
  • Cultural value/preservation/patriarch
  • Abuse stigma: the woman feels it is abusive she marries a guy younger than she is. She can't seem to deal with it. She would feel the man is his junior and will see the man as her younger brother and therefore will always feel and show off the "olderism" or "superiorism" in character disposal not considering that a man is a man whether young or aged.  That's African mentality.
  • Respect: There won't be maximum respect. The woman won't accord him that due respect. Why? Because she is still considering that gap unconsciously, that is natural phenomenon. Age is contagious, it controls the mind that it acts it out, then character manifestation. That's African and patriarchal belief. It never seems to die.
To be continued...

Causes of marrying a man younger than the lady:

How to reduce age discrimination:

Hope you enjoyed our article.


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