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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

What to do when facing pressure

Pressure is a part of life, no one escapes it. We are more conscious of it in this day of jet travel, computers and frenetic activity than those who lived in farming communities fifty years ago. But no matter where you live or what you do in life you sure will experience pressure. It is inescapable. Pressure is inevitable. For any hardworking being it's good to experience pressure. It is evidence that your brain is working; you stress your brain, for normal functioning of your heart. But you don't have to burden your heart with worries. It's good to think, think out ideas but don't worry your brain. See also, "productive thinking"

Pressure is a condition that is being oppressive, this could be physical, mental or economic or even social distress. Everyone needs pressure for survival. This is because human being is insatiable. Everyday we hurry out to our various businesses, some workaholics, we all are testifiers of pressure. Though at some point we don't need high pressure which is caused by worries. Note:  worry is quite different from thinking. See also, "stress and sources of stress"

The one thing you need to know about pressure is that it isn't all bad. In fact, in many cases it is good for you. Without it you couldn't sustain life. Take for instance your blood pressure, if it is too high it can kill you, but if it is too low, same thing is likely going to happen. Life without pressure would be empty and brief. You need pressure to provide not only life itself but motivation, variety and activity.

How to manage pressure before pressure manages you:
I now come to realize that all temperaments do not have pressure the same way.
Before further discussion on this you should know that the inception of this particular situation shows you are alive. Every human has to experience pressure.
To be continued...

See also, "how you can handle rejection"
"Benefits and challenges of confusion"


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