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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Patrialineal effects in coupling

Effects of a woman marrying a man younger than her. In Africa it doesn't go down well like this. Patriarchy has taken full course. Because the male gender wouldn't want to be neglected or feel disarmed. So, to avoid:
  • Lack of respect: she won't give him the maximum respect he deserves. For the man, he will always feel inferior or not man enough. Ladies know how to belittle young men especially when they get to know they are older.
  • Ridicule and mockery: the young man will constantly remind her that she is his grand mother and may use abusive words on her such as "old hag", "grand mother". And the Lady will always remind him of how he is a "gold digger" and "imposter" who comes to squander her wealth.
  • Poor understanding: the understanding will be low because the communication link between them isn't flowing. This will cause misunderstanding. They may find it difficult to feel the lacuna.  and can make them incompatible making the marriage repugnant. They will have to adjust to queue or fit in the marriage.
  • Taking off responsibility: the Lady takes off the supposed responsibility of the man and assumes the position of the man of the house or head of the family. The man won't be comfortable and happy with it.
  • Misbehaviour: the lady misbehaves, she will say, after all she shoulders most of the responsibilities and she is older than him so, she finds the nerves to talk to him anyhow as she deems. She goes out early, returns home late; keeping late nights. You can't question her authority because she foot the bill.
  • Fear: there is this feeling of "she is older than I am, how do I talk to her about it?I can't stand to correct her lest she abuses me" this is inferiority complex caused by the age distinction. He lost his dignity as a man. He will develop this phobia for cautioning her. Meanwhile, putting her aright when she has done wrong, advising or addressing her even when she is going astray would be tasking. 
  • Infertility in marriage: most times the lady ends up not giving him a child, because of her inability to conceive due to her age. Perhaps she has counted down menopause stage.

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