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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Captain Adeyeye in camp a short story

If you don't want this few days in camp to be hot for us all, you all have to respect yourselves. Discipline is the watchword. Mind your business in this camp. Obey the clarion call," Captain Olusegun said on his first address to all Corps members.

"No hugging, I don't want to see any male and female corps members holding arm to arm," the camp commandant instructed.

Captain Olusegun didn't look like a joker. He meant every bit of his words. He was very "mean". His meanness was so irritating that corps members were not at ease with him. His shadow irritates every corps member. This lasted for one week than Captain Olusegun began to fade. He was not that strict. He gradually grew soft. We began to wander why the change in attitude. He became so friendly. We were still surprised. " Platoon seven you all are my friends," he said to us on the parade ground. No more "otondo, ajuwire..."

It was not rumour, reliable source attested that he was entertaining female corps members all nights till day break. It was unimaginable. Who could believe that almighty Captain Olusegun was disarmed by mere women. No wonder it is said that a man who a woman did not kill will not die soon. Is this it? "power of a woman"

"Why is it that whenever I come close to your side you turn your face away? Am I a Giraffe?" He turned to one female corps member. It was actually an indirect speech. He was actually referring to the other female corps member next to her. He was actually staring at her and making advances at her with gestures all along. But she only made a nod at his eye-contact-passes because she was not interested.

Camp commandant was busy standing and discussing with female corps members at regular interval, day time and at times on social nights. Many ignored this sudden act because they were of the believe that he must have been discussing with them on how to parade well on the parade ground. But little wonder our assumption was wrong. He was busy devouring our female corps members. No wonder he wanted to have all the girls in camp to himself. "A please to all guys, hold your girlfriends because Captain Olusegun is in camp," male corps member advised. This post knocked Captain Olusegun down when he saw the published post.

Few days to passing out, parade commanders began to hugging, and caressing female corps members openly at Maame market. Male and female corps members kissing, hugging and romancing each other remorselessly while standing in two's at each mango tree or every other available tree and in dark corners. Immoral acts were at it's peak. Nothing like light out again. Nothing differentiated the camp from Sodom and Gomorrah. Something was wrong. It was not ordinary. It was a room created for them by their head father. Captain Olusegun created the Lacunal!

Now that we have left camp, all the easy virtuous female corps members where is Captain Olusegun? Captain Olusegun is married to a pretty damsel with beautiful kids. They know, yet they want to partake in the blood of a Captain. Just like the foolish virgins—they didn't plan for the future or consider the later or outcome and advantage. It all ended in camp. Isn't this "pain with no gain"?

It is always good for every woman to reserve her pride. Most times men don't go for those they use as buttock piece of trash serious. They while away time with then and after look for the Angel's, the reserved ones.

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Hope you enjoyed our story! Thanks for your time!


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