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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Lois turns grannie

Have you ever taken a mirror to see yourself for just three years of marriage. Does becoming a mother make you to be unattractive? You don't take care of your body?" he paused. See also, "Your body value

"Always unkempt hair, your dresses, looking very shabby and tattered with an irritating chubby physique. You prefer dressing like an old woman in the village. The only thing you know this days is eating cheese like kids. You now think and act like kids and overfeeding yourself. Do you really expect me to take you out and proudly show you off to my friends. You disgust me," Santa complained.

You think it's easy to run the affair of motherhood, you expect me to remain the Lois you met few years ago? You don't help me out with anything, yet you expect me to be as charming, plump and glamorous as I was. Why are men selfish? All you care is that I don't look attractive for you anymore. Do you ever consider my own feelings?" Lois managed to speak as tears dribbled down her cheek.

She began to notice strange moves, he was acting so strange and keeping lare night, most times returning home drunk. She suspected he had a mistress but confronting him without proof would be void.

After sober one noon, she administered some therapeutic advice to herself. "Lois, you can't cheat nature but you can help it. The way to a man's heart is his stomach. Show him care and love.
Every man would always want his wife to be the same body shape, the way she was first attracted to him even after child bearing. This would make the man not to be frolicking with women out there," she thought.

"Now I have realized that a man would always want his wife to be attractive, fresh and charming not 'I'm a mother so no need of flirting again for my husband'. I acknowledge that it is my fault. Yes I have to dress responsible and decent as a mother but not as an old hag," she counselled herself.

The sobering thoughts was at its peak and actually becoming interesting, she took it into monologue that she didn't know when she screamed it, "Lois, does this motherhood really permit you to dress, think and act like a grandmother?" Lois scorned herself. She succeeded in talking sense into her head.

She applied the self therapy and got a wonderful result. Santa was hers ever after.

Just like the old story of happily ever after. Hope you enjoyed our story! We really appreciate your visit!


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