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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Living on others' footprint

You can't eat your cake and have it back. If you do something because others do, they may get away with it but sure you won't get away with it. Why because;
  • You're an emulator, yours would always be imitation.
  • You don't know the whole trick involved
  • You're just a learner

Why do you really have to do something because others do?

  • Because you think they feel good doing it
  • Because your mind always tells you that because others do it, whether right or wrong you won't be "left behind"
  • Because you think if it were to kill you won't be the only one to die. You forget that there is uniqueness in "standing alone" the moment you learn how to stand out in the crowd the better—you begin to identify your true position and personality. See also, "Your influence is either positive or negative". People who allow themselves to be pushed around are just like sheep without Shepherd, they may not tell you but at times they see themselves as cowards.

How do you feel when others ride on you?
You feel intimidated
You feel irrelevant
You feel useless
You feel your pride is being trampled under feet.
You feel your life is mesmerized

But we seem to have forgotten one thing: the moment we follow the crowd we have ridden on our pride. Other people's idea begins to rule our life. Once you accept this fact and decide to live on the value others have made then you have no value, you are just living your life based on the value of others.

Meanwhile, your life seems meaningless because you fail to identify with your own ground. You live your life in the wrong spot, which is the worse. Then you are nothing but a phrase. Spiritually daft, poor and a permanent failure. Your kind of failure becomes that which comes as a result of your poor decision. It means you have nothing new and meaningful to offer the world. See also "The world is in need of direction"

Do they feel good doing it?
This is the question you must not fail to ask yourself before joining.

Most times they feel they never did it
Most a time they feel retreating
They regret perpetually but you won't know this until you have gone deep in relationship with them.
They don't feel good doing it that's why they want you to join so that you will suffer the pain and guilt they're suffering (their self-inflicted injury)

Do you have the same reason and need with them?
Before you join a team you must have the same ideology with the team. You can't be a foreign body. Do you know their motive or objective, their rationale? Remember if you don't know the route while going, your coming back would difficult.
For instance: a young Lady joins prostitution because she has nobody to help her. But you have the aid for ends meet why joining prostitution?
Now a young man joins a gang, they rob people of their valuables because they want to survive. You have the means for survival, why joining a gang?

Consider your future. Everyone is born a winner but not one route leads to the winning point. There are different routes. Why not try the other? If possible be the first to make or create the route let others follow you. Now, that you have made the different route others troop through it, how do you feel? Great! I guess!

Make your own difference that's what makes you "you"!

See related posts, "Always try something extraordinary"


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