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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Women and love

It is true that women love to be in the presence and arms of a manly man. Such makes women feel more feminine, more self-confidence and relaxed. A godly woman doesn't value a man based on his personal appearance, body building muscles, macho or tattoos, or whatever superman appearance, what she wants is steadfastness, dependability, good character and one who let's God do the directing. Most men have difficulty expressing love.

Truly, Marriage is very hard work,  the
exacting kind of work that makes us look under a magnifying glass which shows all of our forefathers blemishes and imperfections. Truly women are unique and are very difficult for men to understand.

Some of the strategies for revealing your love, consideration and understanding for your wife.
  • Spend time together: take time to be together with your couple. We are conversant that in today's hectic lifestyle, we are all on the go. If need be, put it on the calendar, yet it's hard to do with busy schedules. It is good in fact, necessary for couples to make it top priority to have at least one meal together each day.  Often couple should trade off between breakfast and dinner. Take her out on weekends, possibly go along with your children if any. 
  • Share responsibilities: You have to know this- each family is unique when it comes to dividing the chores and duties at home. While depending upon your family structure and if you both are working outside the home, you might need to do things around the home that weren't generally done by husbands of yesterday such as washing dishes, folding clothes, grocery shopping, helping the children with homework, sharing the bedtime routine with the children. And I tell you wives feel loved when their husbands help out. Especially those husbands who don't wait to be asked and you get more brownie points if you volunteer.
Sometimes, go ahead and ask you wife "sweetheart, is there anything I can do for you?" after doing this, just look to your wife's eyes and say, just another way to say I love you."
  • The man doesn't always have to control the TV remote: this means that though you are in charge but sharing the TV you must, share the clicker you must do. Kids learn proper manner by what they see than what they hear. Try to show great love for your wife and family when you don't always dictate or expect to be in charge of what will be viewed on TV.  lntroduce the values of getting to know each other better, reading, listening to music, playing games, having quiet times together etc.
  • Make a commitment to marriage: if you both are committed to making your union work, you won't be able to endure the ups and downs of marriage. When one person start feeling unloving thoughts- and there will always be those times -there will be a breakdown in your relationship. It is necessary that you must have a moral framework to motivate yourself to work through difficulties that sure will surface in your marriage.
  • Talk: that is why sensitive talks are better discussed over on bedroom. Bedroom talk also called pillow talk- it is designed to help get you talking. Not only can these questions be discussed at bedtime, but you can take them in the car and the beach during a vacation. You will find questions that you would never think to ask your wife. It is also important because through these times of discussion you will get to know her better. 
Most importantly make it a habit of talking about matters that matter-
Pillow talk;
What are three things about me you really like?
What is one way I can show you I really love you?
What trip have you always wanted to take?
Where  are you on your spiritual journey?
What are two things your wish I would stop doing?

Love guestures:
I love a man who is in love with the Lord than he is with me.
I love a man who will fight for me.
I love a man who takes up leadership responsibilities for me and the children.
I love a man who shares the TV clicker with me.
I love a man who makes the bed while I am cooking breakfast.
I love a man who encourages me when I am having difficulties with the children.
  • Be willing to give space to your mate: We all need breathing space. Wives feel loved when husbands encourage them to take some time for themselves.


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