In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first
Spouses' emotional expression is not just a physical experience, it involves emotions, mind, body, mental attitude, temperament, physical fitness, education and other factors. Traumatic experiences can also make a vast difference in the way they express their feelings—both men and women.
The identical of the same gender and temperament can have entirely different response capabilities and demands. We hear too frequently of the tragic psychological blocks to eros of
some women caused by child molesters. Why i say that it is complex—
One choleric woman confessed that she was dead in expressing her emotions, "when my husband makes love to me I can't feel a thing. It's as if I am insensitive." At my probing I found out that she had been molested by her foster father, just at her five he started molesting her and because of that she hates men. And unfortunately that affected her, that incident really left an unerasable mark on her. That simply killed her capacity to love anyone.
Responses of a sanguine wife: as a wife she has tremendous amount of love to impart in her husband. Lovemaking is very important to her and it doesn't usually take too much coaxing to get her into the mood even if hurt or angry, she rather easily can moderate her attitude, she rarely carries a grudge, a trait essentially for marriage.
Responses of a choleric husband: as a suitor he showers abundant love, politeness, and kindness but once married, the goal is changed. He would want to support her properly. Surprisingly, he may work from twelve to twenty four hours a day, the hardest thing for him to understand is that his partner did not marry him for what he could give her but for himself.
Eventually if the wife confronts him and nags that he doesn't love her anymore and that's why he hardly gives her attention, he would say, "I even love you more now and that's why I have to work tirelessly like a slave. In fact, you need to see how I work like a jackal just to make sure I provide you with the necessities of life or don't you want a good life? It may also interest you to know that his reason was not just that but he simply likes to work (working his ass out and he cares not if he should break down)
Responses of a choleric wife: the needfulness or importance of lovemaking comes into focus when dealing with a choleric wife. If while she was growing she found her parents having warm relationship, she would probably enter marriage expecting same.
But if she grew up with unhappy bickering parents or she has been molested or has encountered other traumatic experiences in childhood or perhaps she had been talked into the belief that "making love is dirty" for either religion or other ill-concern reason she may found it difficult to relate properly with her husband.
Probably she has come to believe that "making love is not for nice girls" with this she would never want to hear any sermon that "marriage is honourable" but she can easily make a transition to a happy love life once she is convinced that God wants her to enjoy love but in marriage.
Responses of a melancholy husband: the melancholy more than any other temperament has the capacity to express true love. This is because he doesn't accept anything less than perfection. Though he goes into marriage without getting education and having experience. And if graciously he married an amorous and exciting wife it works perfectly for them but if he eventually married someone as naive as he, they definitely would come back from honeymoon devastated and in depression.
This happens when the love life of a couple is deficient and for the melancholy husband it creates a shaky experience for him.
Responses of a melancholy wife: no doubt she is an unpredictable love partner. She is a type who saves lovemaking only for propagation, rarely for pleasure. She is often plagued with unreal prudishness, especially if her mother had problem with it. She definitely use trumped up religious argument to excuse her erotic abstinence.
What I am trying to say is that her real understanding of love probably stems up from her premarital resolution that making love is undesirable. Such person needs a therapist or a counsellor for her to fit in properly in marriage and make a good spouse.
Responses of a phlegmatic husband: Only one characteristic of phlegmatic should help their love life; their abundant kindness. It's very rare for a phlegmatic husband to insult or embarrass his wife. He is not sarcastic and you should know that women respond to a man who is kind to them. On this note he should have little or no problem in gaining love from his wife whenever his soul and body desire it.
Again they patiently teach their partner to originate lovemaking. And it may be that phlegmatics may get used to a less frequent than average lovemaking schedule as their drive cools. Erotic frequency in marriage is often related to habit. If addicted to it or obsessed may decide everyday or three times a week, he develops habit for that frequent level.
That same person's lifestyle may change, he develop into a "once -a-week" habit. Those who are very good in developing habits for everything is the phlegmatic.
Responses of a phlegmatic wife: we all should know by now that phlegmatic are easy going people she loves to please people. Her passive personality will usually affect her bedroom life. She rarely initiate lovemaking, but because she always wants to please her husband she would never turn him down. Yet an influence which will strongly affect her lovemaking may be fear and the anxiety.
She may fear pregnancy and a host of others. One of her fears is that her husband may lose respect for her if she appeared eager or forward or interested in lovemaking without knowing that the reaction of her husband would be quite opposite.
The identical of the same gender and temperament can have entirely different response capabilities and demands. We hear too frequently of the tragic psychological blocks to eros of
some women caused by child molesters. Why i say that it is complex—
One choleric woman confessed that she was dead in expressing her emotions, "when my husband makes love to me I can't feel a thing. It's as if I am insensitive." At my probing I found out that she had been molested by her foster father, just at her five he started molesting her and because of that she hates men. And unfortunately that affected her, that incident really left an unerasable mark on her. That simply killed her capacity to love anyone.
Responses of a sanguine wife: as a wife she has tremendous amount of love to impart in her husband. Lovemaking is very important to her and it doesn't usually take too much coaxing to get her into the mood even if hurt or angry, she rather easily can moderate her attitude, she rarely carries a grudge, a trait essentially for marriage.
Responses of a choleric husband: as a suitor he showers abundant love, politeness, and kindness but once married, the goal is changed. He would want to support her properly. Surprisingly, he may work from twelve to twenty four hours a day, the hardest thing for him to understand is that his partner did not marry him for what he could give her but for himself.
Eventually if the wife confronts him and nags that he doesn't love her anymore and that's why he hardly gives her attention, he would say, "I even love you more now and that's why I have to work tirelessly like a slave. In fact, you need to see how I work like a jackal just to make sure I provide you with the necessities of life or don't you want a good life? It may also interest you to know that his reason was not just that but he simply likes to work (working his ass out and he cares not if he should break down)
Responses of a choleric wife: the needfulness or importance of lovemaking comes into focus when dealing with a choleric wife. If while she was growing she found her parents having warm relationship, she would probably enter marriage expecting same.
But if she grew up with unhappy bickering parents or she has been molested or has encountered other traumatic experiences in childhood or perhaps she had been talked into the belief that "making love is dirty" for either religion or other ill-concern reason she may found it difficult to relate properly with her husband.
Probably she has come to believe that "making love is not for nice girls" with this she would never want to hear any sermon that "marriage is honourable" but she can easily make a transition to a happy love life once she is convinced that God wants her to enjoy love but in marriage.
Responses of a melancholy husband: the melancholy more than any other temperament has the capacity to express true love. This is because he doesn't accept anything less than perfection. Though he goes into marriage without getting education and having experience. And if graciously he married an amorous and exciting wife it works perfectly for them but if he eventually married someone as naive as he, they definitely would come back from honeymoon devastated and in depression.
This happens when the love life of a couple is deficient and for the melancholy husband it creates a shaky experience for him.
Responses of a melancholy wife: no doubt she is an unpredictable love partner. She is a type who saves lovemaking only for propagation, rarely for pleasure. She is often plagued with unreal prudishness, especially if her mother had problem with it. She definitely use trumped up religious argument to excuse her erotic abstinence.
What I am trying to say is that her real understanding of love probably stems up from her premarital resolution that making love is undesirable. Such person needs a therapist or a counsellor for her to fit in properly in marriage and make a good spouse.
Responses of a phlegmatic husband: Only one characteristic of phlegmatic should help their love life; their abundant kindness. It's very rare for a phlegmatic husband to insult or embarrass his wife. He is not sarcastic and you should know that women respond to a man who is kind to them. On this note he should have little or no problem in gaining love from his wife whenever his soul and body desire it.
Again they patiently teach their partner to originate lovemaking. And it may be that phlegmatics may get used to a less frequent than average lovemaking schedule as their drive cools. Erotic frequency in marriage is often related to habit. If addicted to it or obsessed may decide everyday or three times a week, he develops habit for that frequent level.
That same person's lifestyle may change, he develop into a "once -a-week" habit. Those who are very good in developing habits for everything is the phlegmatic.
Responses of a phlegmatic wife: we all should know by now that phlegmatic are easy going people she loves to please people. Her passive personality will usually affect her bedroom life. She rarely initiate lovemaking, but because she always wants to please her husband she would never turn him down. Yet an influence which will strongly affect her lovemaking may be fear and the anxiety.
She may fear pregnancy and a host of others. One of her fears is that her husband may lose respect for her if she appeared eager or forward or interested in lovemaking without knowing that the reaction of her husband would be quite opposite.
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