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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first


Eme was handcuffed with three police officers with their hands on the trigger, they dragged him to the trunk. Their guns were pointing at him which made him seldom his attitude. Shortly, Eme started acting strange like one who has gone mentally derald. Nobody was willing to look at his sudden strange attitude, they supposed he wanted to make them believe he did what he did out of mental disorder.

They believed it was a camouflage. All the same he had to be in the police cell
till further trial. So, Eme was thrown into the cell with bruises already. The matter must be taken to court for further charges.  The alleged had nothing to say to back up his massacre. Even when it's obvious he murdered three people on a spot and cut off the five fingers of one woman at the verge of the murder. He went to kill his uncle but changed his mind and turned back.  If the police had not intervened at the time they did, Eme would have done more damage than he had done already.

Kachi, his only sister was in the city doing her hairdressing business. She owned one of the big and popular salons in the city of Aba in Abia state Nigeria. Although she didn't depend on the salon, she has been dating old and married men.

Kachi had very repugnant traits. As a woman she fights like a tiger. She makes troubles. kachi started to cohabit with a certain young man whose name is Ejindu she brought the man home to receive her father's blessing.

Shortly after this, her husband, Ejindu went to work, returning in the night very drunk, she had been accommodating him the other days but this one she had tolerated enough, so she thought. He seemed to be addicted with alcohol, Edy took a pestle and began to hit her Ejindu, inspite of her condition by then she was seven months pregnant.

She hit Ejindu when he was still under the influence of the alcohol. He was like a dead corpse that he didn't know when she used the pestle on him, she hit him to near death. In the morning, he couldn't stand, very unconscious. He managed to smuggle out to the neighbour who took him to the hospital.

Shortly, Ejindu convinced her into going with him to see her parents. Once they got there, Ejindu told her parents that "I am done marrying your daughter." He left him and ordered the driver to drive off. Edy ran after the bus as they drove off. Edy stay behind in the village gave birth to a baby girl who died shortly after birth.

Edy went back to the city. She lived there doing her skilled work. Living her immoral lifestyle, she found herself in a hotel with a married man, she had little quarrel with the man because the man was making out with her best friend on her absence, she went to the man's hotel room with a pestle in anger, the man was asleep, she began to hit him until she hit him to death. When the man's wives heard he died in a hotel room, they didn't take up the case against Edy because they were disappointed at their slain husband.

Edy remained in the police custody and later taken to prison, she remained their nobody persecuted her or charge her to court, the officers decided to discharge and acquit her but her people refused to come and bail her because they were scared she may kill another person once she is released.


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