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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Sensitive and emotional quotes

Can one drink tea with pepper?
life is a game. But if you have failed to plan on how to score a goal then you have already planned to lose. Success and failure are rivals yet you must accept one.

Goat excreta is of the same size with peanut the only difference has always been the colour.

Just like winner and loser are like 5 and 6, yet cat and dog, they seemed to rapport but they are not, it's left for you to separate them with a long rope by
choosing one.

What is life without goodwill, what is life without keeping a legacy for generation unborn. Only the wise leave legacy behind but the fool know nothing like legacy.

A soul without wisdom is like a soul without salt.

An intellectual mind brings repute to a man but intellectual mind is worthless without wisdom.

He who wrestles with an aged owl, challenges that of his forefathers.

Anybody who knows how to eat should know how to excrete.

It is not to give water to a monkey that matters, what matters is to collect the cup from it.

That you achieve success is not what matters, what matters is what impact has your success on others.

He that has made it already is who people will follow.

A poor man is like a dog's vomit before people's eyes.

People appreciate good things and same time appreciate iddleness.

Already made success kills, but hard earned success is  pride and power.

Many people envy you for what you have got simply because the secretly admire and value it, desperately need it but discourage you of how irrelevant it is, any slight mistake you make, same people will take it away before your clear eyes.

Someone has to go down for another to rise up.

You never can measure the value of what you have until you lose it.

Many a woman is affordable at any cost but few women are priceless and invaluable.

Good is not good enough, always go for the best.

All material things are bought on credit but love, no amount can purchase.

No material thing is better than money but money is the most deadly material thing.

Man desires wealth more than his life itself.

Men will do worst than just spitting on your face when you are poor, same men will lick your ass if you become rich.

Human beings are like chameleon, they give you all their loyalty simply because of the piece of cake they get from you, same human beings will lose the confident they have reposed in you, denying you their loyalty at your downfall.

what an elder sees while sitting, a child can't see it even when he climbs on top of an iroko tree.

Friends will never want your good, it is same friends that will flock around you when you have achieved greatness.

Your success makes your enemies feel pressed and purging.

True virtuous woman loves you when you have got nothing but fake woman loves you more when you are something.

Good things come only on the way of kind-hearted people.

Don't vomit the sugar put in your mouth because not all that glitters are gold.

A bird at hand is more than a thousand birds in the bush.

A man may be poor today, rejected by a woman simply because she observes that poverty stinks, she forgets that tomorrow is pregnant. There must be a turn around.

A super man is known through his manpower, to control things to his favour, if fate refused to turn right, he will personally force it to aright.

Love a man in times of hardship, distress, when the dark cloud seems to envelope him, give him hope, light to see tomorrow and a reason to smile and live again.


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