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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Victims of Dilemma

"Many times, youths are faced with many challenges in life, they are always falling victims of circumstance," Abel said. Abel was a friend to Obiora. Obiora promised to marry Adaure once he returns from United States of America. Adaure put all her interest on him and reposed so much confidence in his promise. It was like without Obiora she won't marry another man.

Adaure resorted to going to the University while she waits for him. She overcame all the hurdle in the high Institution.  In spite of all the
passes guys were making at her, she remained faithful, patiently waiting on Obiora. She won't finish saying a word without mentioning Obiora.  She was so fond of him and saw Obiora like life and the air she breathes.

One hot afternoon, Okongwo's son, Obinze also known as Obama ran through the village square with a newspaper, reading the front page of the newspaper he flipped up and took to his heels, making his way toward Obiora's father's house. "like the saying, a toad does not run in the day time for nothing, it must either be pursuing something or something is pursuing it. Obama what is it this afternoon that you are running and panting heavily as if you were being pursued by Okija masquerades," Amanze asked.

Instinctively, Obama stopped to gist him, "Obiora, Odunze's son and only child was killed in United States of America for the crime he committed,"he paused.  "what!" Amanze exclaimed. "he carried cocaine, he was caught with drug, so he was sentenced, no he was jailed, I mean Obiora was killed. That's a tip of the iceberg, it's the latest gist which has gone viral in the whole Okija," he said and flagged off.

He continued shouting until he arrived at Odunze's compound. Immediately, he broke the news, Odunze broke into tears.  Lamenting for the announced death of his only son. Few minutes later, Amanze was seen in Adaure's compound, once he broke the news, Adaure burst out in tears, screaming.

Surreptitiously, Obama the news broadcaster, radio Nigeria bumped into Amanze breaking the news, he still wanted to emphasize the truth of the news by showing Adaure the newspaper. Adaure was mad, her body darted in all directions and suddenly she fall and began to roll on the ground, attempting to strip herself naked.

Few months later,  Jogodo returned with his old 504 car, raising the car alarm in Adaure's compound. Though, at first Adaure was not happy to see him but her mother welcomed him. Not until Jogodo called Adaure to give her the things he bought for her, her face lit up instantly as she peeped into the nylon bag. Ugodiya screaming in excitement when she brought out the wrappers he bought for her.

"Suitors are coming, Adaure you have to accept one, why not consider Jogodo, he is a very nice man," Ugodiya suggested. Adaure loved Obiora, no doubt but Obiora is believed to be dead. Adaure continuous refusing of suitors was becoming obnoxious, and annoying to Ugodiya. "mothers, everytime husband, husband," said Adaure.

Shortly, she got married to Jogodo, that same day, Obiora returned from United States of America. He was released from prison few days back, he said. He was mad when he heard that Adaure got married to Jogodo. It was really a sad moment for him because Adaure has been his source of joy and ideal wife.

Now Adaure is regretting, Obiora is blaming her for being impatient. She is thinking of what to do, she found herself between the devil and the deep blue sea, if she should leave Jogodo for Obiora, Jogodo won't be happy with her and if she should allow it as fate had decided, Obiora will never forgive her neither will her conscience-

"she is now married, so my dear friend forget her. Let it be, you two are not meant for each other," Abel advised Obiora.

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  1. Nice story, all is left for God to decide.

  2. We recognize and appreciate your consistent response to our posts.
    Thank you.


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