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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

A leader born or made

Is a leader born or made?
People have always asked. Though the answer is not simple. As if the question was not a correct one. I think the question should have been, 'are we all born with leadership potential?' and the answer is YES. We are not only born with leadership potential but also with the capacity to develop that potential, though many will never discover or even develop, talk more of manifesting such wonderful potential.

It will interest you to know that a leader can be born at any age in life; it could be at the point of difficulty, tragedy, overwhelming situation or circumstance, disaster or even when an individual discovers his or her call or purpose and passion.

Once you discover your gift, your leadership potential will begin to manifest.
One thing you must know is that seed is a tree. The tree is its gift to the world. But for a seed to bring forth its tree, it has to go through a process; the seed actually dies. Meanwhile for you and me to become what we are born to be we have to put in an effort. And the old self dies. Through the effort of serving, our greatness has to come out. And serve means to manifest through effort; it also means to perform.

To be called to lead
True leaders never seek leadership. A sense of purpose that reveals their gift and inspires others to participate in their purpose drives them.
Your personality type is not a factor in your leadership ability. Since every human being is here to be a leader. It is also interesting to know that leaders come with all types of personalities. What they have in common is a compelling purpose.

Amazingly, leadership in the lives of relunctant leaders or unlikely leaders often comes from these two sources: Pressure or circumstances: this is when leadership emerges out of crisis, cry of destiny or challenges.
Intentional training and development: this is when leadership sprout/ sprang up out of opportunities perhaps for promotion of official positions and projects.

Follow the process
People who try to pursue greatness are usually not yet leadership material
To tap into that power and step out as a leader. You must follow a process. When Jesus told the disciples they had to become servant, he was describing a process. Greatness is accessible to everyone this only point you must bear in mind.

To know yourself
How to begin the process
The first question you ask yourself, who am i?
Also endeavour to ask yourself questions like this in order to explore your purpose:
  • Do i really have to be a servant?
  • Can i actually be a servant?
  • Do i really want to be a slave?
  • Am i willing to be the youngest or be seen as the lowest among others?
  • What is my function?
  • What exactly is my purpose?
  • Do i really have a gift? What is my gift?
  • Does my gift bring me joy?
  • Does it actually benefit others?
  • Can i do this?

This last question, "can i do this" is one of the problems most of us have or are facing. And to shock, many of us have dropped on the way without fulfilling our destiny or gift, thereby making purpose unacomplished simply because they felt they don't have what it takes, ( i can't do this. I am not equal to the task) come on, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (faith)

Mind you the above questions no other person or persons can answer it for you and above all you cannot take a course to learn the answers to them.
Others will try to classify you. People are at all time judging you, pigeonholing you and trying to tell you what is best for you.

Your parents may try to talk you out of your passion, trying to decide for you on the best career for you. People will try to prejudge you and try to tell you what you cannot do. People prejudge, they are prejudice because they are ignorant. They prejudge something, they do not know anything about.

Many people you meet on your way will always like to classify you by trying to find out things about you such as; where are you from? what is your family background? your political affiliation? your religion? and even where you work. Gosh! They keep prying in order to classify you and decide whether to dismiss you or not. But i tell you, they cannot fully know you by these things.

When we really know people and their gifting, we change our attitude toward them. When you discover the leader trapped inside you, you will see others differently and they will likewise see you differently.

One thing you must avoid is; do not let others define you, meanwhile you have to discover who you are and define yourself thereby showing people who you really are and what your purpose is. What your gift is and how you plan to serve it, only you can tell...


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