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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Five kings, the sixth conqueror

Becoming a conqueror through spiritual inspiration
Have you heard of 'five kings'? In making it short these five kings represent what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the natural world. we use our five senses to determine what is going on in the world around us. God gave it to us for that purpose. They become tyrants of fear if we believe everything they tell us and allow them to rule our lives.
But this faith sense will let you know
that you don't have to love your life in fear and disarray.

Tell me, what do you smell?
Sometimes, God will allow you to go through a trial instead of sparing you from it. But your faith in God will allow Him to deliver you out of it. Either He Will deliver you from having a go through it or He will deliver you out of it. No matter how hot the fire you have to walk through or how difficult the trial, you don't have to smell like what you have come through. Some people go through divorce , and twenty years later they still smell it. You don't have to live like you have walk through fire. Others go through a bad business deal, and years later they are still whining and depressed over it.

You really have to get the victory over the smell of your circumstances.
Do you know that your attitude can smell negativism and defeat so that you feel like everything stinks? You need to lift up your eyes to God and get cleansed of the effects. And declare in faith that God is with you and that you will make it through your fiery trial, without even the smell of the smoke clinging to you. In the fiery trial your bondage is burned off. You are set free to praise God when God delivers you in the fire.

Your feeling, what does it tell you?
Has anyone told you 'dont be touchy?' If you let your feelings rule your life, they will mess you up, this king will defeat. Are you the type that says, 'i don't just feel God anymore' it doesn't matter what you feel. Victory is not a feeling, it is a fact of faith.
Note: walking in faith is a win- win situation. Faith always fight your fear, feeling and wins.
Faith is more powerful than your feelings.

What you see, do you believe what you see?
Many have been defeated because of what they saw with their eyes. Do you choose to believe that the promise of God in your life is aborted, simply because you want to believe what you are seeing presently instead of God's promise in your life. You are unique and still remain a wonderful being. Sight is a powerful king that rules through your senses. Don't let what you see with your natural eyes deceive you.

You have heard, what have you heard?
It is true that in your faith fights, you are going to put your foot on the neck what you hear. Because you will hear a lot of discouraging words and accusations. The enemy mind will whisper to you to quit or to give up simply telling you the reason why you can't make it anyway. Possibly speaking fear in you, justifying his raging fear with all form of negativism just to defeat you.

You taste something, what do you taste?
You taste the fear that your family may fall apart, or the fear of tasting death. At times the bitterness in life's disappointment is like poison to us. What will you do when offense, unforgivrness and bitterness threatened your marriage? Do you have to throw it away to get rid of the poison? You have to forgive others in order to over the king of taste in your soul.

Whatever you are facing
Whatever you are hearing
Whatever you are seeing
Whatever you are feeling, God is greater than yourworstfear or nightmare.
Always allow the sixth sense of faith operate in you. Your faith will always fight for you and you will conquer thats why it is neccessary for you to embrace faith at all times regardless of the situation.


  1. Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing
    this article and also the rest of the site is very good.


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