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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Quartey is Dead

"Paapa, that's my food. I wish to have it as my breakfast," Michel said in amazement.
"Don't worry the delicious aroma has already attracted me and my throat longed for it. So here i am enjoying the
sweet taste. I guess you still have some
left in the pot?" Quartey asked with hearty smile.
"But Paapa i served you your favourite coffee, egg sauce, bread and butter," he complained.

Fortunately for Michel he had left a little portion of the well garnished pepper soup in the pot which he intended eating when he returned in the evening.
" Michel went to the kichen coming out was still complaining, "paapa,"Michel called before he noticed that he had gone to work. "Ah! as if he was  a ghost. Hmmm!" Michel nodded his head and smiled. "One of Paapa's games," he said at last.

Michel was at work when his phone rang. When he picked, "come to Okomfo Anokye Hospital," the caller dropped the phone before he could finish the word in his mouth "hoooold on", the caller had dropped. His phone rang again, he looked on his phone the caller's identity but it was unknown caller, a voice came roaring, " you have killed him! Michel you have killed him!" and the caller dropped the call on him before he could ask who it was. Everything seemed to be happening so fast and very strange to him. He couldn't explain what was going on. All he did was to seek for permission from the manager.

He took to his heels and found himself in the hospital.
"Mr Michel you have to calm down," said the doctor.
"Calm down for what?" asked Michel.
"Your father was brought here few hours ago, we found some poisonous substance in his system. We tried our best but..." he paused.
"what are you saying doctor," Michel asked confusingly.
"Am sorry we lost him," said the doctor. Butterflies began to struggle in his stomach. It was like a tale until he saw his dead father. The doctor soon got tired of consoling him.

Michel left the hospital in disarray. He took some policemen with him  to their house. When the got home, he asked them to stay  outside.

"Amma! Amma! Amma! come out here," Michel yelled like a wounded lion. You have the edge to call and accused me of killing my father, Amma," Michel said.
Amma sighed, " Look at who is talking, you are lucky you didn't eat from that food you would have been dead by now," said Amma. "Oh, Quartey my husband you decide to die for your lousy fostal son. I never knew you were going to eat that tasteless and unhygienic food. Am sorry this animal here caused your untimely death," she spoke remorsefully. " Anyways, my husband i will miss you but am sorry rest in peace is too hard to say," she confessed.

She turned to Michel, "As for you little brat, you have made me a widow. You are next..." "I must kill you in this house. Don't ask me why i hate you. I just hate you! she threatened Michel.
But before she could finish her threat police officers entered and arrested her. "You have the reason to remain silent for whatever you say now or do will be used against you in the court of law," they handcuffed her and took her away. Michel screamed, "Rot in jail, murderer!"

Advice: We should always learn how to treat other people like ourselves.
Never stone in a market place because it might hurt your own.


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