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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

How to appreciate literary work

Literary Appreciation simply means to give a critical analysis of any art work. Literarily, literary appreciation simply refers to read and understand any work of art- prose, drama or poetry with the aim to give a judgement whether the
work is good or bad.

To criticize; the reader tries to have a critical examination (to find and call attention to errors and flaws) in the work and then to conclude  by saying when, how and where the writer failed in his

Purpose of appreciation:
* The purpose of appreciating work of   art is to enter the world of a literary       artist successfully.

* To integrate and involve oneself in his thought or feelings and to be able to read his mind impartially as presented in his work so as to understand and arrive at a just assessment or better evaluation of his work.

Focus on the below questions when a piece of literary work is to be appreciated;
* What is the writer telling the reader? (theme)
* How is the writer expressing himself or herself? (style)
* What is the relationship between the content or subject matter and style?
*And how far has the style helped or hindered the content which is the subject matter? (personnal judgement).

The above three points- theme, style and personnal judgement must be treated when appreciating or criticizing literary work.

Content Analysis
Content otherwise known as subject matter refers to the summary of literary works- prose, drama or poetry. Content analysis refers to a breakdown of a poem or summary of prose or drama in one's words in order to bring out the important facts in the passage.
The critics are advised to relate all the possible meaning of every ambiquous word in the passage or poem to the context.

This lesson is relevant:
It enables the audience to cross-examine if any literary work was able to reflect and add value to life. Because literary work is mainly to restructure people's life.


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