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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

He Goat

Zereuwa was a notorious village petty thief. He was  tall, dark and had a deep voice. Zereuwa had one eye. He lost one of his eyes the day he started stealing. He was twelve when he saw a goat tied to a tree near Nwahinta stream in Ideato South, Imo state.

After getting water from the stream, he dropped his pot of water. He looked left and right and he believed no one was at the site, he quickly untied the goat. He was about to make a move before, "Thief! Thief! Thief!" a man on the palm tree shouted. People started running out of their farms. They beat him to near death. One of the most heartless among them took his cutlass and
plucked out his left eye.

Some years after, he formed a gang of five. This gang stole everything- fowls, goats and anything valuable. They are good in breaking people's house and entering to steal and ransack.

One day, Zereuwa whom the gang gave the nickname, Awusa visited Okpokorombe who was a member of the gang. He went to inform him of their next place to rob but he noticed he wasn't around. He turned to go before he heard bleating of goats. He went to the front hut where the goats were tied, he sighted left and right nobody seemed to be around he untied the cord of one of the goats and strapped it at his back.

When he got to his house, " i have to eat it without it being smoked because i wouldn't want neighbours to perceive it," he thought.  He brought out a cutlass and killed the goat. After this, he started butchering it. He settled down and started eating the goat meat without even removing the hairs, he ate everything.

Few minutes, "Awusa are you feeling sick? You look hot and sweat dripping from your body. You act so scared this afternoon," said Okpokorombe. Immediately Okpokorombe said this, Zereuwa began to purge.  He was messing the whole place at the backyard.
"what did you eat Awusa?" Okpokorombe asked.
" Okpo I dont know what is wrong with me," Zereuwa replied.
" At times you behave like a tortoise," Okpokorombe teased and moved close to him. He perceived his breathe, " Awusa you ate goat meat but i can't see where you smoke or boil it. All i see is hot water in this big pot which is still boiling," said Okpokorombe.

You said you were at my house earlier? Oh, yes that is my goat. I couldn't find one of my goats the last time i checked this afternoon. Awusa you stole my 'he- goat'!" he lamented.

Okpokorombe took a matchete and began to chase him round the compound. It was humourous.
As Zereuwa was running he forgot the hot water as he tried to jump over he slipped and fell with his head in the pot. He withdrew his head and started shaking it like a goat. So, with 'boils' grew out on his face he began to bleat, "kpe! kpe! kpe...!"

Moral Lesson:
It is not good to be greedy. Stolen water is always bitter. Be industrious...


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