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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Deadly Engagement

Louis tried to convince me that he had good thought for me when he first met me. I went into pondering all night, it was Louis all through. "i have been to relationship with men severally and have come out from each with no success
story other than regrets and heart break. Will this Louis of a guy be different?" i thought.

No doubt, i was too emotional, so i gave in to Louis' proposal. Although at first it seemed to be indissoluble friendship. Even though Louis was so ugly, with brutal face, i still love him. But i have sworn already not to allow any man have a piece of me again no matter how emotional i could be.

Truly since our friendship nothing funny has happened. Louis was not happy about it so he decided to find a hat trick as to get what he wanted, so i thought. I have been proving hard to get, he thought. So one day i went to his house, Louis gave me a warm embrace, trying to cross boundary, he wanted to kiss me but i rather gave him a peck on his cheek. When i entered in the room, Louis wasn't himself he wore worries in his look. He started looking for a possible means to lure me. I could see it in his eyes, how erotic his eyes were.

"if you truly love me you have to follow me to my house to see my parents," i said.
"are u now giving me condition? I will when the time comes. Am waiting for the right time," Louis replied.
Louis started with love interlude and promising  me of every sweet thing one could imagine. Though, i seemed carried away by those sweetest words of his mouth. Sweet tongues of men are their weapon to intoxicate a girl in tripping/ going down for them he won but still not enough.

Louis went and brought a razor blade,   "to prove to you that i love you let's enter into agreement, to bind it we have to lick from each other's blood, it will serve as a bond that we will be together forever. I don't have any engagement ring with me here," said Louis.

I was dumbfounded that i left him without breathing a word to him, "you have to think about it anyway," Louis said while i was leaving.

I am Emily Josef, 39 years old.

Please i need advice, though i love him but do you guys think it is wise for me to have such blood engagement with him? Isn't that a deadly covenant?

I wouldn't want to loose him am near menopause

Should i leave the relationship?

Don't you think it might be a way of making me fall cheap?

Advice me on what to do because am confuse right now?


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