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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first


Guys really envy ladies. They always wish to be like them.

"Don't you know that ladies are given much privilege than us. They really have the very large portion of beauty," Eno said eviously.
"what do you mean," Solo asked.
"i want to be like ladies," Eno quickly said with every seriousness in his voice.
"i don't understand where you are driving at," he said confusingly.

"Don't you see Ekemma, how strikingly beautiful she looks each time she wears
makeup. Can't you see that fullstop earrings are all over her face," he explained jealously. Solo was still trying to understand him.

"the earrings on her nose and the multiple anklets on her ankles, bangles on her wrist and many necklace on her neck at same time with many rings slided in her fingers, including the bracelet. Her jewellery is very well too much and at times i wonder how heavy they could be on her," he paused and had a brief thought and continued, "i just want it like that, i want to be beautiful like a ladies."

Now, i understand, little wonder, our popular artists of today are wearing female jewellery and wearing makeup, going for red lips, this is really becoming an influenzer, an immoral act could he infectous especially on our young.

Shortly after this dialoque, " guy try and be yourself," Solo said still bowing his head to the ground, raising it up, he beheld a masquerade in disguise, "Eno, your makeup, you are nothing but... Oh, gosh, MERMAN! MERMAN! MERMAN!" Solo lamented and flew away with his legs touching his head.

Don't you think we need absolute decorum?


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