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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Emotional predispositions of the temperaments

There is a sense in which all human being experience fear and anger. But i have found that most people have a predisposition toward one emotion sin more than another. Its influence on their lives their background training and of course their motivation (to me motivation means whether they do or do not have the Holy spirit to their life to motivation).

Fear is the paralyzing emotion that inherits or resists normal feelings of love, confidence and well-being. It
triggers negative thought patterns breeding anxiety, worry and the other emotions listed which can multiply like a giant snowball and consume a person's entire life. Fear is to your emotions what causes of the blood is to your body; it invades the total person.

Everyone will face fear the first time he does anything dangerous in life, there is nothing new about that. Everyone is nervous or afraid when facing trauma of driving a car, motorcycle or airplane or doing off a high driving platform etc that is normal fear. But those who let their fears exhibit them from attempting whatever they would like to do or should have crossed the lines from normal fears to destructive fears. The key as to which kind of fear it is seems to be whether we let our fears keep us from doing God's will.

Many acknowledged that everyone experiences fear, worry and it should be pointed out that some people have a greater problem with it than others and the difference can be detected early childhood.

Sanguine.       Anger.              Choleric.  
Bitterness.      Intolerance. Jealous
Malice.            Criticism.      Attack
Clamour.        Revenge.       Gossip
Envy.               wrath.           Sarcasm    
Resentment.  Hatred.         Unforgiveness                          seditions    

Melancholy.   Fear.              Phlegmatic
Worry.            Withdrawal.  Suspicion
Anxiety.          Loneliness.     Depression
Timidity.   Overaggression.  Hesitancy      Indecisive.      Doubt.       Haughtiness
Superstition.   inferiority.    Shyness

Stay with us, coming your way the detail analysis of the table above...


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