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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Fear and results of fear

Fear is a terrible and cruel taskmaster which inhibit every area of one's life. Fear is an emotional experience in anticipation of some specific pain or danger. It is an anxious feeling. To those in its grip, fear becomes the most powerful force in this life and it affects everything they do. The following are only part of expensive toll it extracts.

The results of fear
The emotional results of fear: Every year countless thousands of individuals die of fear. Many a fearful person draws
into a shell and lets life pass him by, never experiencing the rich things that God has in store for him simply because he is afraid. The tragedy of it all is that most of the things he feared never happen.

The social results of fear: The social results of fear are perhaps the easiest to bear, but it is difficult  nonetheless. Fear dominated individuals do not make enjoyable company. Their pessimistic and complaining spirit causes them to be shunned and avoided, this further deepening their emotional disturbances. Because of ungrounded fear, many are likeable and happy people are scratched off said lists and cause their companions to be equally limited.

The physical results of fear: it is almost impossible to overestimate the harmful effect fear can have on one's physical body. Though few things are more powerful than the desire of the flesh anyway yet most men and women can be rendered inoperative erotically by fear.

Fear of pregnancy, injury or discovery can render a normal woman frigid. Fear of rejection or fear of inability to perform can make a normal man impotent. Fear is a vicious circle. The results of fear as already discussed, fear quenches or stifles the holy spirit and so keeps us from being effective of this life and steals many of our rewards in the life to come.

How to overcome fear
Learning how to overcome fear is one thing and to practice what you have learnt is another thing.
You can learn to live without fear, worry and anxiety, the key is to live by "faith"...

Take a second to ask yourself this question—who is in control?
When you accept the fact that you don't owe your life and therefore can neither predict nor reverse anything that happens in your life, what then is the essence to fear? "... because thou canst not make one hair white or black (Matt. 5:36B KJV).
When u realize this verse of the good book, you have overcome fear already.
Also see "Causes of fear"


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