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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Common barriers to effective listening

Overvaluing talking: most people overvalue talking and undervalue listening, even those in people related jobs such as sales. But the truth is that is not persuasion. It is listening.

Lacking focus: especially those with high energy, showing down enough energy to really listen can be challenging. Amazing, most people tend to speak about 180 words a minute but they can listen at 300 to 500 words a minute. Unfortunately that disparity can create tension and cause a listener
to lose focus.
Experiencing mental fatique: if you are tired of facing diffucult circumstance, remember that to remain an effective listener, you have to dig out more energy, concentrate and stay focus.

In case of stereotyping: stereotyping others can be a hug barrier to listening. It tends to make us hear what we expect rather than what another person actually says. Don't think you don't fall into this trap because most of us do.

Personnal emotional baggage: everyone has emotional filters that prevent him or her from hearing certain things that other people say, your past experiences, both positive and negative, colour the way you look at life and shape your expectations. Now look at this; particularly showing experiences such as traumas or incidents from childhood, can make you tend to react strongly whenever you perceive you are in a similar sitauation.
And if you have never worked through strong past emotional experiences, you may be filtering what others say through those experiences.

Preoccupied with self: this is probably the most formidable barrier to listening, is preoccupation with self. See also "my husband, preoccupied with self" he got carried away with television program, whatever his wife says he would reply with activities going on the television program. If you don't care about anyone but yourself, you are not going to listen to others. But the ironic thing is that when you don't listen, you do enough ultimately damage to yourself than you do to others.


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