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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Life in a circle

'One cool sunday evening, in the year 2003, George was very sad, he bowed his head in thought of how life has been treating him. "Guy what's up," asked Jude, i am not fine with the way you have been since I brought you here to have some bottles of drink with me, chill man, feel free, be happy or is there something bothering you? you can confide in me am your friend."

"Jude, what kind of life is this, what exactly did I do to be in this kind of poverty? okay now can you tell how I
have been surviving after graduation from the university long time ago, after my parents sacrificed all they had to see me through school? Am i not a disappointment to my family? Always hoping to get a good job which don't seem fast coming, huh? I am tired of this condition,"said George in anguish.

My dear friend George, I know how life's been treating you and I sincerely believe that one day it will break for you, if I may ask, what are your plans now George?"

"Lately, I have been thinking of a way to leave this country if I had the opportunity."
"do you really want to travel abroad?"Jude asked.
" yes of course if i had the opportunity, i will..."
"Okay," replied Jude. "if this is the only thing I do for you for all the help and support you gave me in my academics during our school days I will make some contact for your travel, so be happy okay."
"Guy I will appreciate it if you do this for me," George said excitedly.

Five years later when George came back from Germany with enough money, he was cruising around, he began to live a luxury life, brushing his family, making so much investment in the country.

Unfortunately, his friend Jude was down in business and needed finance to bounce back in his business, he never bothered to tell his friend George, knowing that George was back and spending money. What he never knew was that George had already setup a company for him for his kind guesture in giving him a new life when he had already lost it.

It was 2nd of May 2008, Jude's birthday, it was time for cutting of cake, George requested he should be given few minutes to speak, with rapturous applause, George stood and beacon on Jude, "I don't know how else to reward you but my God will continue to bless you for me, here is for you," telling him that the company was his, Jude left speechless but dripping down tears of joy.'



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