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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Causes of fear

What causes fear?
The fact that fear is such a universal experience of man and the fact that most of the readers of this post will be parents who can help their children avoid this tendency. In a layman's terms i would like to answer this question.

We have at least eight causes of fear=
Temperament predisposition: the most significant reason people have a problem with fear is because of their inherited temperament. By this time you know which temperaments have
the greatest problem with it. Depending on the combination of the temperament, of course you will have either a strong or weak predisposition toward it. We have seen what Melphlegs or PhlegMels will have the  greatest problem with it.

Children experiences may induce fear: Psychologists and Psychiatrists agree that the basic needs of man are love, understanding and acceptance. The most significant human thing that parents can do for their children short of teaching than to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is to give them the warmth and security of parental love. This does not exclude discipline or the teaching of submission to standards and principles.

A traumatic experience: child assault or molesting leaves a lasting emotional scar that often carries into adulthood, causing fear concerning the marriage. And other tragic experience in childhood frequently set fear patterns into motion that last throughout life.

A negative thinking pattern: or defeatist complex wil cause a person to be fearful if attempting any new thing. Our mental attitude makes even ordinary tasks difficult to perform when we approach them with a negative thought.

Anger can produce fear. I have been with individuals who had indulged bitterness and anger until they erupted in such explosive tirades "i am afraid of what i might do to my child" that they would have afterward admitted.

Sin causes fear:
Everytime we sin our conscience reminds us of our relationship to God.

Habit can intensify fear:
Never underestimate the  power of habit to intensify any negative force particularly an emotion such as fear. Anything you do becomes easy to do next time. A fearful person created a deeply Ingrained habit of responding to every difficult or different circumstance in life with fear.

In as much as we don't like to face this ugly world , it is a fact nonetheless we are fearful because we are selfish.

Why am i afraid? Because i am interested in self.
Why am i embarrassed when i stand before an audience? Because i don't wish to make a fool of myself.
Why am i afraid i will lose my job? Because i am afraid of being a failure in the eyes of my family or not being able to provide for my family and myself with the necessities of life. Also see "The results of fear"

Fear is like a gunshot that terminates one's success without spatial time.


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