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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

A man committed suicide because of fruit

"Sam hanged himself! Sam hanged himself!!" Ona shouted. It was like a dream, the man that she just dined with few minutes ago. "He said he wanted to have a bath, but I should turn off the generator. I did as he had instructed. I waited for ten minutes he was still in the bathroom. Fifteen minutes I said "No!" I must go find out what was holding him," she paused.

"When I got to the bathroom I didn't see him. I began to search for him around the house, little did I see an
object on a tree, I moved near just to find out it was Sam. Why would Sam do this to me and his kids?" she cried out. 

"What really happened? Do you have any clue of what might have happened to resort him taking his own life," Police Dictative enquired.

"It all began last two weeks," Ona began her long lasting story. "I was with Sam when we saw my mother-in-law plucking "Udara fruit" my late husband, Sam begged his mother to allow the fruit to ripe so that she would be able to make more money from the sales," tears dripping profusely down Ona's cheeks.

"Suddenly, his mother, my mother-in-law began to roll her body on the ground, invoking all the gods of the land and spirits of our ancestors to come and take her away," Ona managed to say. Tears couldn't allow Ona continue and the police dictative attempted leaving. "No, Dictative wait!" Ona said desperately.

"All his children came she told them that his son, Sam and I want to kill her. She was fragile. Her condition began to deteriorate. Presently, she is in a state of paralysis. His children took her to the hospital where she is now in coma. It was last two days that they all came here to accuse my late husband, they attacked him and threatened that should something bad happen to their mother they won't let him go scot-free," Ona's voice quivered.

"My late husband, Sam was the last son of the family and his siblings have been jealous of him because people keep praising my late husband for his success," she added. "But why her mother hated him so much, I don't know. My husband is dead! My husband is dead!! They have killed my husband," she bluntly said.

"Just yesterday my husband was discussing with me, he sobbed like a little tot, telling me that he will kill himself. He was afraid of what his siblings and maternal kinsmen would do to him should their mother die..." See "what about fear"

"It's alright madam. Take heart okay!" Police Dictative consoled and left Ona.
Ona knew the police couldn't have done more than this because it was obvious that her late husband, Sam committed suicide. Who should be blamed? Sam or his old mother or siblings or death? Ona was dying like she wouldn't live to see the next day.

I left that scene in anguish. Why would ageing mothers cry when growing old? The feeble and weak who are supposed to be blessing their children turn to create problems for their children. Try to emulate "tears of a mother" ageing fathers are not exemption. Aging shouldn't turn a cheerful person into a grouch. Rather it's the best time for you to show emotion, be passionate, kind and loving.

Drop your comment. What do you think about this story?

See also "A short story collection" 


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