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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

A man committed suicide because of fruit

"Sam hanged himself! Sam hanged himself!!" Ona shouted. It was like a dream, the man that she just dined with few minutes ago. "He said he wanted to have a bath, but I should turn off the generator. I did as he had instructed. I waited for ten minutes he was still in the bathroom. Fifteen minutes I said "No!" I must go find out what was holding him," she paused. "When I got to the bathroom I didn't see him. I began to search for him around the house, little did I see an

The negative aspects of anger

The negative aspects of anger are influenced by— Our clouded and warped old sin nature—basic selfishness  Our temperament and body chemistry—our social and personality style. Personal desire, demands, and expectations—to meet our needs. Positive and negative modelling from our family origin—parents and relatives who were examples Positive and negative personal experiences and interpersonal relationships—watching others around us and our interaction with

What about Anger?

Anger is a universal emotion—everyone experiences it. Sometimes we are the ones who are angry; Sometimes we are the recipients of other people's anger. Anger is a God-given emotion just like fear. Anger and fear are our friends if: our anger is toward injustice; our fear protects us from harm. However, anger and fear can become our enemies if we turn them toward hurting or running from issues that need to be resolved.  However, anger can express itself

Reasons for not making good choices

How would you like to hear these words would it send shock waves into your system of thinking? Would you begin to seriously evaluate your life and priorities? Would it change how you interacted with your family, friends, and work associate?  Would you rather be kept in dark than face the pain and reality of your departure? I still believe that most people would rather hear the truth than be lied to. No matter how difficult or painful truth might be, it is better than

The value of action

Life does not compensate us for insight, understanding, wisdom, or intention. It only rewards action. You can tell the power holding that you intended to pay your bills, but all they care about is the money. You can't build a reputation on what you intend to do. It is so easy to get wrapped up in mind games and forget practical, daily living. There has been a battle between what we should be doing in life and what we end up doing. Now, how do we begin to deal with our

Imposed suffering and elected suffering

We cannot avoid the shock of accident injury. We cannot escape the discomfort of sickness or loss. We cannot dodge the anguish of broken relationships. We cannot run away from the sadness of the death of loved one. We cannot evade the stabbing irritation of hurtful comments. Since there is no escape from the various forms of suffering that humanity experience, what are we to do? We must learn to face the pain. Evading or running away will not solve anything. We need to confront and work on legitimate suffering. For better understanding, it's important to note the difference between imposed suffering versus elected suffering. Imposed suffering is comprised of life events over which we have no control. Natural disasters would be a classic example. We have no control over earthquakes and the damage the produce. All of these experiences are imposed or forced upon us from the outside. We cannot change them. We can only painfully accept them and move on. See also " facts of li...

facts of life and problems of life

Another way to look to our choices is that there are facts of life and there are problems of life. Facts are the things we cannot change. There are problems you cannot change which means to be angry or fight against them is fruitless. Problems are different than facts. Problems can be worked on. They can be overcome or changed. Overeating is a problem. Anger is a problem. Fear is also a problem. Depression is a problem. Having  a critical spirit is a problem. Problems give us the opportunity to make changes in our thinking and behaviour. When we take responsibility for our problems, we can change and grow. When responsibility is shouldered it creates hope. Hope generates energy and gives motivation to solve problems. What's your outlook towards problems? Are you willing to face them? Are you willing to learn from them and grow in maturity? Have you made peace  with pain? Have you come to the place where you have accepted the facts of life that cannot be changed? Or you are...

People with purpose

When leaders discover their passion they begin to develop strange behaviours. The first one is a positive attitude, because your passion gives you hope. Your purpose gives you answer in life. You suddenly realize, you would be like, "I was really born to do something about something." Everyone is an answer to a question on earth, and that gives a leader a positive attitude. What were you born to do? People who have discovered their passion are rarely depressed. They may get discouraged, because they have big dreams. They are not depressed, though because they know what they are going to do next. There is a difference between being depressed and discouraged. Another thing you must know is that people who know their purpose are never bored. Their greatest complaint is that twenty-four hours is not enough hours in a day because they have found something that is bigger than life. When people say they are bored, the people with purpose wonder why the others cannot find anythin...

Royalty—your gift

What's leadership all about? Leadership has nothing to do with title . It has to do with function. I respect you because of your gift, not because of your title. If you have no title at all, once I discover your function and its value to me, I will protect you. I will pay you to give it to me. That's what makes you wealthy. Wealth does not come from your job; it comes from your gift. It does not come because you seek it. Meanwhile, respect is a result of your

Why does negative behaviour continue?

It works. There is some kind of payoff, some type of momentary satisfaction that is derived from not changing. The reward might be financial or psychological. Some people will continue unproductive behaviour to seek approval, acceptance, praise, or love. Others continue their unacceptable actions out of pride, greed or a sense of personal fulfilment. They may oppress others with their need to always be right because they treasure being right- even if it destroys a relationship.


Sometimes it takes time for our emotions to catch up with our intellect and our actions. We must learn to act regardless of how we are feeling. Our actions will lead our feelings to a change point. If we wait until we feel like acting, we may never do anything. Yes! For instance, if you are in a relationship struggle with other people and your feelings have been hurt. It slows down your positive actions toward them. After you have been hurt, you forgive

Life, one big white water

Life is like one big, white water adventure. Sometimes it is spent just drifting in the dailyness of living. Sometimes it's fast paced and overwhelming. We don't have the privilege of stopping the boat and getting off during the trip. We must face the big and small rapids and the still water whether we like it or not. There is no choice once we are on the river. We can either choose to be afraid of ripple or learn to enjoy the splashes and the excitement of the deep drop into