Then how do you respond to it? What are your shadow-beliefs? It is very encouraging to put yourself in a challenge, bring them out into the light and expose them to God’s Word. Don’t Let them control you, or decide your future. Refuse to translate any thought into a word if it contradicts what our Creator says about you. You can’t speak death over your dreams, and expect to see them come to life. There is power in the tongue.
Even if nobody valued you or showed you love in any way be assured that your positive confession about your life will shatter and dispel all rejection by letting you know that our Creator chose you. You are a special being. You have been called by Him to be His child—child chosen to be part of His body on earth—at precisely this time—and in this context, yeah.
You weren’t just some piece of wood that fell through a crack. Learn to build a house in your heart go ahead and put your trust in God by believing in yourself, doing that you are adding it to the house which is your life growth. You came pre-cut to fit a particular place that nobody else could fill. You were selected.
The worse you could do is to try to be like somebody else. Because if you give up being who you are in order to become like them you will end up being somebody He doesn’t need one more of such personality. That’s why it is good you be yourself. He made you a precise way, for a precise purpose, and only you will do.
Stop being bothered by saying that others don’t seem to think much of you. Stop doubting yourself or competing with others. Nobody can take what our Creator has reserved for you.
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