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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Arrogant Kosi and the old woman

Kosi grew up to be arrogant and impudent.  She openly flaunted her royal background to other people.  She was rude and beastly too. At her tender age, she flirted much, changing men like
clothes. To her, education was Secondary.  She hired mercenaries to write the common Entrance Examination for her. She later dropped out of school and focused on prostitution not minding she was from a prominent family.

Her immoral and wayward life couldn't be curbed by her mother because she had not been ennobled from childhood. Even  Chief Onogwu, her father's resort to flogging in order to discipline her was to no avail. Sometimes, he would advise her but she wouldn't listen.

One day, she met an old woman who begged her to help her with a bucket of water she instead insulted and rained abuses on the poor, old and helpless woman. And pushed the old woman down to get out of her way. The old woman cursed her "your curse won't have effect, old hag. Go and die," said Kosi. Kamsi, a poor village girl saw what happened and helped the old woman stand up. She fetched buckets of water for the old woman and received blessings.

Kosi later became pregnant for an unknown man. It was because she was a slut. Kosi had ruined her future and disgraced her family. She had destroyed the image of the family. Kosi then cried "had I known" but it was too late. Her mother thought it was a joke, before the doctor confirmed that she was a month pregnant. 

There was approbation between the two of them to keep it secret. However, Egoigwe, her mother later realized that her stomach would soon be swollen, so decided to abort the pregnancy. As for Kosi, it was a good idea due to the fact that she didn't want people to make mockery of her. A problem arose when they heard that Kosi wouldn't bear the abortion due to her age.

Egoigwe had no other choice than to meekly come to Chief Onogwu in order to have a tete-a-tete with him about the issue that had been disturbing her. Since all her effort to terminate the pregnancy seemed abortive. When Chief Onogwu heard of it, he was very shocked and glared at her bad behaviour. 

She wanted to conceal the shameful act she had done, which had brought shame to the family especially to her father, whom she had thrown his reputation to the dust. So she ran away to Chike's house. Chike was a young and handsome man who was betrothed to her. Kosi succeeded in seducing him into sleeping with her. Read also that night a short story she did it in order to force the pregnancy on him.

But Chike never knew she was a month and a few days pregnant before he stepped out with her. After a week of her stay with him, Kosi said, "I am pregnant for you". It was as if Chike didn't hear her very well, because she barely came few days ago, as a visit to her fiance. "I beg your pardon," Chike harshly said. "I said that you have put me in a family way," repeatedly Kosi.

Chike wondered how it could be true. The way she came and cajoled him into doing what he didn't want to do was unusual and suspicious.  He doubted her because Chike had on one or two occassions seen her with men. That only convinced him that it was a lie so he sent her out of his room.

Her parents had been searching for her since she left the royal home. Her mother was about going to Chike's house to look for her because it was well known to them that Chike wanted to marry her. "Here she is," said Egoigwe with pleasant smile. "Kosi where have you been that you kept your father and me in fear? We thought that something might have hurt you." "I went to the man who impregnated me," replied Kosi. Kosi who used to behave superciliously now humbled herself and pretended to be good to others.

The father called her and asked her who the father of her unborn child was. Chief Onogwu didnt believe her when she mentioned Chike. However, he decided to know the truth by ordering his guards to go get him. The way they grabbed Chike as if he had committed an incestuous act was pitiable. The poor boy demanded to know what he had done to the Chief but they continued beating him.

It was getting dark when they arrived with Chike at his royal home. The Chief was not happy with the guards due to the wounds they gave him; he never told them to beat him up. "Bring him down," he ordered. They had beaten the hell out of Chike and blood was oozing out of the wounds. The worst of it was tears were gushing from his eyes down to the cheek. Chief Onogwu couldn't help it. He immediately called the maids to clean the mess and give him food to eat.

After the clean-up there were still some weal on his body. Then the chief questioned him to find out whether he was responsible for the pregnancy. "I never wanted to touch Kosi till our marriage. But she just came to my house and I suspected something must be wrong, but she convinced me that she decided to come and spend a week with me. The next day she seduced me and made me sleep with her. Some days later, she said she was pregnant for me which I believed was a set-up, chief," Chike explained. 

As a man of wisdom, chief then examined the story and understood that Chike was innocent of the accusation. Chief knew that Kosi was already pregnant before the day he said he made out with her. So chief Onogwu apologized for the inconveniences he might have caused him and then discharged him.

Read other stories 

The prince and his story

Miss Koikoi and the sorcerer 


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