5 Evil Things You Shouldn't Harbour in Your Mind
1. Your Past
Your past has no business with your future. When the holy book says, "do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old" (Isaiah 43 Vs 18) meanwhile if you must embrace new things in your life you must put aside old things.
A thought left to ramble through your mind, can attach itself to a weakness or an event in your past and feed on it. The stronger it grows the weaker you become, until finally all your strength is drained away. Let that not happen to you. Meanwhile take your thoughts captive before they take you captive.
2. Hurt
Take off old thinking, the old hurt, old thinking patterns, old attitudes and old behaviours. Your unwillingness to accept life as it is will only keep your blood pressure high and your contentment level low. So relax and learn to enjoy yourself more. People think they know the best for you. Don't allow their choice for you get into you and make you expect more and get hurt on the process. That is self scolding and blaming yourself for your failure to the point of thinking of suicide as a result of self resentment. Read also how bad resentment could be
3. Revenge
Have the right mind-set, feed your mind with positive thoughts. Don't consider to revenge by attaching your failure or taking revenge on those who oppose your success. Those are your strength. You learn from them and it brushes aside relenting spirit and gears up your zeal and will-mind to pursue your dream. The greatest revenge against those who would want to bring you down is happiness. And focus on your goals to achieve your dreams. Don't let dream be your dream.
4. Unfulfilled mind
People think that when you talk about contentment you are against their progress. Contentment never comes from externals. To whom "little is not enough", "nothing is ever enough". Get off the idea that "more is better". If more is better, we ought to be the happiest humans on the planet because Africa is blessed already. But are we happy? The idea for more can be insatiable. As long as you believe more is better you will never be satisfied, because you will never live long enough to get all. Think when you get something or achieve something, do you even take time to enjoy it? Or do you just move on to the next event without stopping?
So the next time "more is better" hits you remind yourself that it doesn't work, because the same mind-set that wants more will want even more later. And if you don't want to get old too soon listen to His voice. Being pulled in too many directions, drains your joy and causes you to give less than your best.
5. Sadness
The greatest problem of one is not being at peace with oneself. Not being at peace with yourself can cause you a lot of harm or damage. Anger and sadness can never be a solution to your problems rather weakness and set back. Stop wishing your life away. When you push yourself beyond boundaries of wisdom, you suffer exactly the same results as those who burn out in any other endeavour. Learn to relax. Calm your nerves and worry no more. Make stress work for you not against you. Read also Stress and sources of stress
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