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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Child Abuse a short story

Kelvin, I am in need of fresh blood. I mean vibrant blood. No, smooth blood, no soft skin. What am I even saying I want loquacious young breed," Kelvin said. Though he sounded unstable in his description. "I think you are suffering from malaria, no Malaysia, I mean you need to come out of your subconscious mind," this resorted to quarrel between this two men in their late seventies.

Funniest thing about Kelvin and Oko is that they are still looking under twenties rating their physical appearance and baggy clothes.

They have worked tirelessly at the plantain plantation all day long. They looked worn-out and frazzled. "I want to marry a second wife, Ego is the girl i want to marry, "said Kelvin with a fragile voice.

After a while Oko broke the silence. "are you alright? Ego that's still bed-wetting, Ego who is turning thirteen this year. Apparently she is a teen, that's Child Abuse, insanity, man inhumanity to man, in fact, stress is your problem, I will suggest drug to help you reduce it," he paused, "Don't think that because you have money you are free to humiliate, harass little and innocent girls," Oko replied. His voice was deep, his tone was harsh and despicable. If Kelvin was a boy, he would have whipped him.

"You called this Child Abuse, because I need a succulent body, tender, smooth and soft skin," he explained. "to deposit in her blood bank your congeal and gelatinous blood. Isn't that what you mean?" Oko snapped.

In a short moment, to justify his proposed act, "why did you and your wife decide to make the little girl, the house help your children brought to help your old age, you turned her into a slave, she hawks, is that not wickedness and Child Abuse?" he asked.

"Remove the lump in your eyes before you can see clear to remove another's," Kelvin continued. "I watched your children grew up to adults they have become today, but I did not for once see them help you in your plantation much less to hawk. If you treat Nkemdirim like your own is it a crime? Are you not abusing her pride as a child by denying her education and sending her to hawk in rain and under the sun? When I know that you are wealthy. Label the defined act," Kelvin said and walked away in fury.


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