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Showing posts from August, 2018

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Nature of life quotes

Whatever you cannot do for yourself, no one else can do it for you. Success is very hard to achieve but talking of it is very easy to achieve. Determination is the key to success but the key to success is hardwork.  There is no pause in bringing new ideas but there is pause in realizing the ideas. Nothing stops you from realizing your dreams but you. In every desperate act there is always a disappointment. You can be a barrier to your success

Heart to heart quotes

If you were to spend a hundred years in tears why not choose to spend a thousand years in laughter? If the whole world had rejected you, don't reject yourself. Life is easy for those who can see it but for those who can't see the life call it a hard life. Your happiness is another's sorrow, in your sorrow other found happiness. Anyone who wants to take advantage of your predicament is your enemy. Your best friend is your best enemy; choose to tell him your success and see him wear a long face of jealousy. Don't depend on people for aid,  it's your time of need you discover your enemies. True friends are hard to get but false friends are everywhere. You beg to be friends with real people but deceptive people keep flocking around you. Anybody who begs you for friendship has a hidden agenda. Friends with mutual feelings are always a thousand miles away each other but friends with motive always get close because their interest is to rip off the avail...

Salient quotes on understanding

If we understood the other fellow's viewpoint- understand what he is trying to do-nine times out of ten he is trying to do right- understanding . An influencer must realize that different people are motivated in different ways. Encouragement is worthwhile to every player but then the main difference is that all players need encouragement and only some need a kick in the pant - all depends on understanding . If you treat every person you meet as if he or she were the most important person in the world, you will communicate that he or she is somebody to you- understanding

Why people are unable to appreciate differences and similarities

Inability to recognize and appreciate differences After leaving self centeredness learn how to respect and recognize everyone else's unique qualities. Instead of trying to cast others into your image, start to recognize and appreciate their differences. If someone else has the talent that's so great you think you don't have, why not embrace the person- together you can build your strengths and weaknesses together. Different people from different races and culture just learn what you can from them-bet you your new knowledge will help you not only to relate to them but to others. Avoid racial prejudice. I tell you you will come to realize that there are many responses to leadership and motivation- once you learn to appreciate other persons' differences. Like I always say, you can't beat the reach, so join the reach-there are benefits... Inability or failure to acknowledge similarities:  you will begin to realize that people have a lot in common- as you learn m...

Reasons why people fail to understand others

Barriers of understanding, as these are the core reasons; Fear factor As we know very well that fear is man's greatest enemy. FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is evident in the places of work, as a labourer in the organization, subordinate reactions toward their superior. Such situations causes undue suspicion, lack of communication, affects the growth of organization. Some of the reasons why they do

When you choose to understand others

It's true that the ability to understand others is a choice. Though I agree that some people are born with great instinct that enables them to understand how others think and feel. But in case you aren't  instinctive being, don't worry because you can still improve your ability to work with others. Nobody is weak to have the ability to understand, inspire, and be an influence peddler to others. When you choose to understand others, abide by these: Choose to understand the other person's perspective or view : other person's way of regarding situation or topics. The problem with people today is that most people don't look beyond their own experience when they are dealing with others. They see other people and events in the context of their own position, even background including circumstances. Develop personal empathy : If really you want to understand and help others, another quality which should not elude from you is personal empathy. You can agree with me...

Key things we need to understand about people

The key to understanding people is when you are able to know what people need and want - really you can influence them and impact their lives in a positive way. Certain things we need to understand about people : Everybody wants to be somebody Nobody ever cares how much you know until he knows how much you care Everybody needs somebody Everybody can be somebody when

If people would learn how to understand others

We have to know that lack of understanding concerning others is a recurrent source of tension today- knowing that half of all the controversies and conflicts that arise among people are caused not by differences of opinion, or an inability to agree but it is by their lack of understanding for one another. So, if we could reduce the number of misunderstanding- There would be no crowd in the courts.

What it means to Understand others

Understanding people is a great deal. Understanding people certainly impacts your ability to communicate with others. The biggest mistake you can make in trying to talk convincingly is to put your highest priority on expressing your ideas and feelings. Let's look at this, "what most people really want is to be listened to, respected, and understood. The moment people see that they are being understood, they become more motivated to understand your point of

Statements couples make to revitalize their commitment

Such vows as the one to be stated below is expected to come from the he or she and to be said at the appropriate time which will help them have a real- life understanding of marriage. From him to her: My commitment to you is to your concerns each day for the purpose of having the kind of marriage we both want. I realize that your love will change. I will work to maintain a high level of romance, courtship and love in our

Causes of extramarital affair

Women don't view affection the way men do. Men can function on basis of eroticism and physical stimulation alone, that's a man can become aroused at a selfish level with any woman who is available. See also " women's view of affection ". It's easy for a man to engage in outside of love and after walks away and pretends nothing happened. But it's not same with a woman once she finishes making out with him she becomes soft, feeling stronger for him thereby becoming more emotional

Women's view of affection

Women respond to words of encouragement. A primary way to develop intimacy and affection is through language. Men should not wait until bedtime to start getting romantic. You even have to start setting the stage at the breakfast with the kind of words and loving touches. Men should also make it a habit to leave a thoughtful note. Give your wife a call during the day. Give her a hug, a kiss, a wink, and a

Guess men's Needs and women's Needs

There are certain needs men and women have which they seek for satisfaction from their partners. Some of those needs are: Men's Needs  Urge fulfilment (priority) Recreational companionship An attractive spouse Domestic support  Admiration  With little financial assistance to build a lovely home Women's Needs " Affection " Conversation  Honesty and openness  Financial support  Family commitment Love and adoration

Inspirational words to inculcate into partners/spouses

There is a difference between being a bride or a groom in a wedding and being a husband or wife in a marriage. Learn to commit your soul and the building of it to one who can keep it and build it as you never can. The wedding ceremony is only the beginning; it's afterward that couples face the real challenges. It's also good to know that a beautiful wedding is no indication that the marriage that follows will be beautiful. Don't let yourself to be caught by

Stress and Sources of stress

Each day presents us with new opportunities and challenges. Maintaining our physical and mental health require countless adjustments, and how successfully we adapt depends largely on how we view our individual challenges. Stress can be said to be the wear and tear of life for which the adjustment by the individual concerned is necessitated. It's necessary to know that stress is inevitable, though it can be managed.

Child Abuse a short story

Kelvin, I am in need of fresh blood. I mean vibrant blood. No, smooth blood, no soft skin. What am I even saying I want loquacious young breed," Kelvin said. Though he sounded unstable in his description. "I think you are suffering from malaria, no Malaysia, I mean you need to come out of your subconscious mind," this resorted to quarrel between this two men in their late seventies.

The ten life building don'ts

Don't because you want to prove yourself to someone engage in dispicable acts.  Don't put your life at risk or in detriment of your joy to please others. Don't consider what people say about you, consider what you believe about yourself. Don't accept the fate of others for you; build your fate and abide by it. Don't conclude yet because of the present, envisage for a better tomorrow and make it your life conclusion. Don't disregard failure, embrace it because it's failure that gives birth to success. Don't look up to man, man fails, look up to God for He is the ultimate. Don't underestimate failure because it's failure that strengthens you to succeed. Don't wish to be someone else because you may not know that your problem is smaller than theirs. Don't join because everyone has joined; join because you find it worth joining.  You are unique and quite different from them.

The most important skill everyone needs

Let me start by saying this, if you were going on a job interview today, what would you say is the most important skill you would need? Is it writing, to create a knockout resume? Or perhaps salesmanship, after all, isn't that what you do on an interview, sell yourself? How about charisma? As a charismatic person, you are sure of getting the job and position of your choice, I guess. Instead of that let's say you are going to spend your day recruiting, whether for business prospects or any other purposes. What skill would you need as a recruiter? Is it, discernment? An eye for talent? The ability to cast vision and get people excited? Or maybe it would be hard-nosed negotiation skills? Or let's say that your job today was to supply new ideas for your organization. What qualities would you need? Creativity? Intelligence or good education? I am not saying that you don't need them but what i am asking is, what is the number one ability you would need? Look here honey,...

Listening Guide

The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people. The ability to skillfully listen is one key to gaining influence with others. No man would listen to you talk if he didn't know it was his turn next. You are not learning nothing when you are doing all the talking. Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerity form of flattery. The first duty of love is to listen. Every man I meet is in some way my superior, and I can learn of him.

Importance and benefits of listening

I found out that listening has been the most costly quality in most humans if not in every man's life. I have got to know the importance of listening: Listening shows respect. Listening reserves your dignity and pride.  Listening builds relationships. Listening increases knowledge. Listening gives you the opportunity to mingle with great people. Listening generates ideas. Listening builds loyalty.

Necessary things to know about listening

There is link between a leader and a listener. For you to be an effective leader you must be quick to listen. Effective leaders are known by their ability to listen to the people. And effective listening requires more than hearing words transmitted. It demands that you find meaning and understanding in what is being said. I learned that, "meanings are not in words, but in people". Listen simply means to remain voiceless for the other voice to be

Frustration and Stress

The two keywords are; Frustration and Stress  Frustration: Frustration refers to the state of being hindered of the set plans or effort. It's also feeling of annoyance at being hindered, this feeling is usually accompanied by experience caused by being thwarted of your set goals or objectives. Causes of frustration  Failure  Unstable government  Recession  Unemployment e.t.c Failure: failure is just a test. It's a trial of your strength, how far you can understand determines your next level of operation. But people misunderstand failure to be a tying knot, the end of life, little or no hope for success. People resorting to all kinds of evil deeds accusing failure as being responsible for their mischievous lifestyles. Many joined gangs as armed robbers, kidnappers e.t.c. Kidnapping has been the talk of the day. The mild but bluntly way of terrorizing human life. It elicited from greed and laziness. The word kidnap simply means taking away a soul in a...


Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort wealth, or power. Those rewards almost create as many problems as they solve. Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will at least be a little bit different for our having passed through it. The world should feel your presence on earth, your purpose and what you have impacted in others. Unless you have tried to do something 

Feeling great super success quotes

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstances. Everyone has an inevitable sign hanging from his neck saying, "make me feel important". One of the best way to do that is to help people remember their past successes. If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have achieved half your failure. Never let the fear of striking out get in

Steps to temperament adjustment

It appears that most problems that arise in most marriages are basically temperamental. Here are some steps to temperament adjustment: Slam the divorce door Easy divorce has done nothing to help the longevity of marriage. I found out that as long as the divorce door remains open,  it retards the adjustment to a happy marriage. If you are a Christian, it's not a legitimate option for you. Admit to yourself that you are not perfect