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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

The Daisy of A Mermaid Goddess

A beautiful mermaid goddess wet

Needs a sun for warmth 

Daisies symbolize innocence and purity. 

She came with peace and love

This stems from an old Celtic legend

In Norse Freya's sacred flower

Freya the goddess of love,

beauty, and fertility, 

and as such the daisy came by 

Symbolize childbirth, motherhood, 

And new beginnings the daisy type of 

Flower its round, yellow center lot 

Of thin, white petals

Round around the circle 

And are half ovals set

Like the petals of a daisy

With a yellow disk 

And white rays of disc

The day's eye due to the flowers 

Closing their blossoms during night

It can see love the sun in the rubble 

Still carry a wealth of meaning though,  

Chief be the ideas of innocence 

And purity, see them given as a sign of

Congratulations at the birth of 

A new child

How to include it in a bouquet

After the rain comes the sun in a rubble

Daisies with meanings, innocence,

Humility, and purity as much as 

The symbolism carried by their many


Such as passion with red, 

Happiness with yellow, and 

Gentleness with pink.

The goddess of love 

Seated in the sea

Beneath and sun

Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey 

rise and shine 

It comes to sun herself 

How wonder of

The daisy of a mermaid goddess.

See related poems 

Magic dancer 

Coming of the saint

Song of an Angel

Song of a drunkard 

A belly button of the soul 

Kpakpando (star)


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