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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

10 Top Complaints From Unhappy Men

There are many qualities a woman should have that will always attract her partner to stick around. Most women scare their partner away not knowing it. This could be as a result of not

getting the care, love, tenderness, passionate feelings, time and comfort to relax and express his love for you. But men are not the only partners who complain but women also complain in relationships. How, why, what to do to strengthen their relationship become the concerned problems. Read also 15 ways to fix a broken relationship . 

When the why becomes important enough the how becomes easy. We have fracture in our relationship because we fail to understand. Read more What it means to understand. Relationship friction is not so much from husbands and wives being physically, emotionally, psychologically and culturally different, but that we don't understand our differences tolerate and accommodate them in our relationship.

Most men scare away from their home because their partner is lazy or doesn't give them the much comfort they desire or deserve to get after the stress and hard time at work. Some of the reasons are what we are going to list out here which are the different complaints that weigh men down in their relationship.

10 Top Complaints From Unhappy Men#

These complaints get men pissed off In a relationship:

1. Messy home:# 

She does nothing all day but take care of the house, but it is always a mess when I come home.

2. No comfort:# 

I try not to go home early because everything will be lying around in a mess. I need a sacred time for myself read also How to create a free time.

3. Meeting her demands:# 

My only source of depression is that I don't make enough money or have prestigious job title that meets my partner's approval.

4. Unable to meet her love security:# 

She wants me to be romantic and huggy all the time. When she would also be demanding. How does she expect a man who is broke to romance?

5. Taking decisions alone:# 

She wants to make every decision and decide on actions we take. Yet she would want me contribute when she has already decided.

6. Indecisiveness:# 

He never makes a decision. This is because I won't decide where we are to go on outing or vacation anymore because when I do, nobody wants to go there.

7. Depression:# 

Strained out after work. He is always depressed. My only source of depression is that I can't fulfill her financial needs always.

8. Emotionless and unromantic:# 

He is rarely romantic and never shows his emotions and she wants me to be romantic and huggy all the time but I can't waste my time doing that when I have got so many other things to do.

9. Communication barriers and  breakdokwn:#

 He doesn't like talking to me. He would say he is tired of talking at work and would want to relax when he comes home. He doesn't spend any time with us.

10. Irritating absence from home:#

We never see him at home. He works late at the office and goofs on Saturdays. We never see him at home. Like he doesn't enjoy spending time with me?

What can a man do in face of these differences? He can acknowledge and accept how his partner is different from him. Such acceptance comes more easily when we remember that God made man and woman different. We also have to be aware that we have to be flossing out the dirty particles that are hidden in us and character. Gargling every part of our weaknesses deal with them with the help of our strengths read also how to know your temperament. It is very important for us to be aware that some of our differences are due to our individuals characteristics. Don't be threatened by the differences between you and your partner.

Hope this will do a huge by going a long way to help build our relationship. Check our previous post How to make him feel your presence

Thank you for sticking around with us and patiently reading!


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