Onne was a fair girl in her late teens who grew rapidly into a full grown woman overnight that people were left in awe. Others were saying she was growing like an elephant. Looking at her
stand a giant, men began to make passes at her. Describing Onne she was tall, huge having eight figure shape. "She is just eighteen and she is flaming up like a burning fire. "She doesn't respect elders," Oji one of the village elders said. He wouldn't mind it was Onne's uncle he was talking to negatively about Onne because they had had it up to the neck and nobody could afford to hide their feelings any more.Olewe was the village town crier carrying his small wood gong complimenting with his agogo gong an authentic traditional instrument. He came to make announcement. "Everybody listen," he paused immediately he saw Onne. He winked eye to Onne. Onne turned her eyes to the other direction. She remembered what happened few days back as Onne was coming back from the stream he met Olewe returning from his early morning palm wine tapping. He had always had his eyes on her so he seized the opportunity to take advantage of her vulnerability.
She was only covering her breast with wet wrapper and her beads round her waist short wrapper to cover her buttocks. He got attracted to her, salivating over her shape and the way she was twisting her waist and cat walking so that he couldn't resist her alluring body, though he had taken his turn on the early morning palm wine and was intoxicated. He jumped on her, dragged her into the bush and forcefully took advantage of her.
It was a brutal rape. Bruises and pains between her legs, she was confused and lost her sanity. What would she tell of her? What would be her story? Who would believe her? Immediately she saw something dropping down. It looked like menstrual blood but she just saw her period last the last two days ago. She smelled it but it was smelling like real blood not menstrual blood.
She felt heartbroken but covered everything up. She couldn't tell her story to anyone because she was shy to talk about it. She was downhearted and traumatized for days, she was still battling with the trauma until this moment. "Why is that wink, her heart skipped seeing him flashed her mind back and began to see herself unsafe. She ran away quickly.
Now Olewe had continued his announcement, "Everybody listen, the king said that on the next market day each family should provide a virgin girl for the beauty contest. The prince wants to choose a wife," he announced. She thought of many things she saw him as a terrorist and seeing him was a reminder and adding salt to the injury. His presence not only refreshed her wound but frightened her. She was really suffering psychological and emotional imbalance. He could see depression in her eyes but he was unrepentant and was ready to abuse her innocence over again regardless of the damage and hurt he was doing in her life not considering what she was passing through.
The worse was that Olewe was harassing and abusing her because he saw her armless and no man to oppose him or fight for her. Her poor mother was struggling to survive with her and her brothers in-law deprived her of her husband's farm land and plantain plantation.
The gathering of the maiden nevertheless the contest was five days away. She regretted everything. Neither her nor her beauty was to blame for the attraction Olewe got that drove him into such sin. "How can I forgive myself for not qualified for this contest of virgins?" She cried. "My mother would be disappointed at me, I will try my luck," she agreed with herself. During this monologue her mother walked to her without her noticing but it was when she was on the conclusion part. She never got any idea what is the problem.
During the selection process because it was self decision not mandatory, she would have abstained from the process but the fear that her mother would be disappointed and feel hurt made her join as one of the virgins. Olewe was the massacre group. He knew how many innocent girls he had done same so he was surprised to see Onne standing out as a contestant.
He went behind to spread the news "that Onne! the naughtiest virgin is also contesting?" people didn't understand why he knew Onne was the naughtiest when everyone knew Onne was only proud of her beauty and it got in her head that she was disrespectful but they didn't know her as an immoral girl and she didn't like the company of the notorious girls in the village.
He continued his jeering and nobody was ready to take him seriously until the day, other girls were dancing but the prince stood up and tapped Onne on her shoulder to follow him. The whole village broke down in surprise. "She deserves it. Isn't she the most beautiful among the maidens?" Some group of old women agreed to themselves. And the other girls were sad and look of disappointment was seen on their faces.
When the prince took her in and tested she was not a virgin he was disappointed but because of the love at first sight and the favour she had found in his sight he couldn't condemn her or expose her to the king or anyone else. And immediately he came out of her and sat down. She already suspected it could be her lies had caught up with her. Her little secret was backfiring on her.
She sat behind him feeling ashamed to look at him whenever he turned his head to look at her she would bow her face in condemnation and shame. "I wouldn't say you are a disgrace to womanhood because that would be wrong to be fast to judge people. "What happened? Why did you do that? You lied to the king and the entire village," he frowned his face. "I was raped on that fateful day. He did..." she stuttered. "Who is he?" he furiously asked.
Olewe was seated on his bent wooden chair. It was his day of reckoning. Nemesis caught up with him, the guard heaved him to the palace when he was handed to the police alleged rape of young innocent girls thereby destroying their futures and went behind to blackmail them. When two police men came and handcuffed him without giving him time to speak. Read this story Maggoty
You may not be as lucky as Onne that's why you have to stop indecent dressing read also debased woman, and implore self discipline to stop abuse or assault or molestation.
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