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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Prophet Dumdum Ointment

One step at a time Prophet Dumdum was always moving round in the church auditorium every sunday. The congregation always paying keen attention to his teaching and preaching. They all

see him as a true prophet of God especially when he started speaking in tongue the congregation would break into two in spirit, feeling the anointing. Each church procession he would back the choir walking angelic while the choir would lead. But there was some secret notifications he usually make without the knowledge of the congregation nor the choir members.

Monica and prophet Dumdum Onuka had been seeing each other for a decade without the knowledge of Onuka's wife and Monica's husband. This secret affair had been going on since after Monica got married to Foxx.

It started the night after their wedding. After prophet Dumdum wedded them he was secretly winking eyes for Monica earlier. During their pre-wedding counseling sessions and seminars which prophet Dumdum organized all by himself he had always wanted to enter Monica in the mouth. 

Monica was very beautiful, intelligent, wise and above all jovial. She had a soprano voice. Whenever she talked her voice sounding angelic, coupled with the enthusiastic  dressing. She was always dressing in Indian regalia. One day he asked her to sing. As she was singing he felt the angels hovering around the place and he wished he was in heaven with the Angel's already. She was with the couple to-be, Foxx her husband to-be took it for admiration and never thought anything negative about Prophet Dumdum harmless hug with Monica.

After that session they left. This was how he began to develop impure feelings for Monica. On their wedding night after reception, prophet refused to go when people were deserting the reception hall. He walked to Foxx "brother Foxx someone is looking for you outside," he said. Then Foxx moved away leaving his wife in his car "honey wait here I will be back soon. As soon as I return we will head to Oporopo suite for our honey moon" he left and overwhelming joy filled Monica's heart. Why was she so excited about his husband's proposal?

It was two hours since he left than Monica became tensed up looking at her wrist watch and looking restless. She walked down from the car looking worried. Prophet Dumdum instinctively turned from his standing position after he had sighted he pushed his body toward her. "Hello sister Monica what is the problem? Why are you here all by yourself at this time. Every guest is gone. Awww! you are all alone where is your husband?" He asked at once sounding excited.

"What could be his plan this time," she thought furiously. She wasn't comfortable with his presence. His urge and eccentricity was really abusing and irreligious. "This is abomination. I won't do anything with this unholy and ungodly fake prophet," she declared in her heart. "I am fine" she quickly told him just to make sure he made haste to leave her to think clear about her husband's whereabouts.

He brought out handkerchief and flagged it in the air after he deliberately let out his handkerchief to fall down. She smeared the concussion powder having spiritual scent which scattered and filled in the air and which he got from his occult baba and instantly she began to pay attention to him. Their romantic relationship began suddenly. She forgot about her husband who she just spoke about few minutes ago. 

He took her to the close hotel to spend the night with her. He had fun while she danced to his tone. Since that night whenever he wanted sister Monica Foxx he would visit their house "sister as the choir mistress you need to come to the church today for rehearsal with the choir members" he instructed. Brother Foxx would permit her to go because brother Foxx was a devoted Christian and loved doing the work of God.

One day prophet Dumdum fell sick and thought he would die soon so he called brother and sister Foxx while lying in the hospital bed. "I am sorry, I have been having affair with your wife. I was selfish to leave a beautiful woman like Monica for you alone to enjoy. So I set you up that wedding night for the kidnap just to have your wife that night," he paused. " I couldn't have succeeded because your wife was a strong and faithful woman but I used occult power to charm her to love me, it was a love potion in powder" he began to cry. Read also My diabolic husband

"I am the father of Obed, Manasseh and Olivia" he gave up the ghost. Brother Foxx looking aimlessly to the ceiling "God I am finished. So I have no child of my own, my supposed three kids are not mine but for someone else!" He exclaimed. How do I tell this shameful story to the world?" He hit his hand on his chest and collapsed in awe.

Always pray so that something greater than us won't come our ways. 

Be careful watch and pray so that we are not trapped.

Read other stories 

My husband's concubine 

The Naughtiest virgin

Nemesis a short story


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