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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Miss Koikoi And The Sorcerer

Miss Koikoi a lady who was always struggling with her pointer heels shoes. Whenever she was walking she would make some coming noise that would get people's attention to know her

presence. She was still single but not that young. The reason was what people found difficult to understand trying to discover the mystery.

Though she was old fashioned lady in her late thirties. But she was intelligent and smart. Some wandered if it was her intelligence that got her like that especially when it was her season of madness. She would act so nasty and awkward so that she looked so abnormal.

"She is ancient and modern" she left people talking. They say, everything a man does people must talk. See also, The Naughtiest Virgin but in her case people had said unspeakable words about her and if words were nails she would have been in thorns.

One day, Mr Gonja went to inquire about miss Koikoi whom he found interesting and wanted to settle for her finally but something questionable happened. Miss Koikoi stole her real name because she was not fashionable but always wearing worn out pointer heels complimenting with her wrap-around cap like those of the old deeper churches filled with holier than thou brothers and sisters brethren, hence miss Ekwitos was in that category. 

Miss Koikoi as she was always in her popular grey coloured old, outdated styled suit which later elasticized to look bogus and turned to a coat so that people were left wandering if she ever washed it and if she ever bothered taking a bath at least once a day because she was always looking dusty and dirty in her odd coloured suit that she forgot this verse of the good book cleanliness is next to godliness. 

The funny thing was that people wouldn't differentiate when it was either her wearing the coat or the coat was wearing her. If she had creme or olive oil at least to apply on her body before leaving the house they doubted the possibility. Now Mr Gonja had shown interest after people's gossip about her. He declaimed his love and come to propose. It was true miss Koikoi wanted a husband but she wasn't a romantic type of woman to be around because she allowed modest teachings to take all over her sense of reason. 

Yet the good book encouraged us to love one another, if she had loved herself she would have been looking attractive in her looks to draw attention because she was beautiful. Though she had acknowledged people's gossip and accepted her limitations then she decided to see a therapist to give her marriage counseling to manage her flaws but finally she found herself in a sorcerer's nest. 

Her quest was to go to a place where magic, miracle and probably charms would be given to her so that she would look attractive for Mr Gonja the next time he would visit.

When she approached his glass door walking on the tiled floor the sound of her shoes was heard "Koikoi! koikoi! koikoi!" "Haha miss koikoi is here the goddess of war, I take my leave," the sorcerer got scared and was feeling hot inside acting like a gait. She walked in the room and met the sorcerer wet in fear waking his spirits up? she met a very tall frightening old man with wrinkles all over his face and shrinking body looking like ancestors themselves making incantations and chanting in a falling heaven tone. "Miss Koikoi trembled for his sudden panic and was downhearted with her modestly downcast eyes and wandered the kind of sorcerer he was who couldn't differentiate between a spirit and a human. True her mysterious steps got anybody she walked pass talking and wandering such a character.

"I thought sorcerers are seers who forsee tomorrow. This one here acting like chewing gum sorcerer hiding in his own shell," she said. "There is a strange spirit that is pushing your suitors away that's the reason you are here. You are possessed by an Ogbanje spirit." "Sorcerer" she called him. "I thought a sorcerer performs sorcery, witchcraft and magic. Do you do all these?" 

"I am not possessed the only thing is that, people say about me that I am not fashionable coupled with my eccentric behaviour. They say I am naive and timid but it is because I am religiously committed," she said. I have a charm for you. You said a man is after you for marriage?" The sorcerer asked. 

"I want that charm," she curiously asked. The sorcerer began to enchant and invoke some strange spirit "ugh ugh ugh uh uh uh! ugh ugh ugh uh uh uh! Twi twi twi! Aha aha aha!" Repeating this many times. She became scared. Immediately, he squizzed out a strange element and performed some ritual activities on it and turned it into a substance which he poured into a small bottle. 

"Hope this is not a poisonous substance," she cried out. "Whenever he comes go into a secret place take it round your head three times. And speak love into the potion then pour the liquid three drops very small quantities, a drop at a time," he said. "Very small quantities, a drop at a time," he repeated. 

She rushed into the kitchen poured some juice in two glasses. She brought one glass poured the love potion as per the sorcerer's instruction. Before she carried it, she shaked it to make sure it mixed. Then she tasted it to taste and immediately remembered herself and shouted. 

In awe Mr Gonja rushed in to find what her acting strange was about. "I took your own drink instead of mine right about now," she confessed. "Are they not the same juice from the same fruit juice container and what is wrong about drinking from the glass of wine meant for me?" He asked looking confused. "Tasting it is superfluous," she shouted. Miss Koikoi began to scratch her head. She had lost memory acting mentally derailed. 

Always have patience. Patience is the healthiest ingredient of our life. Tomorrow is pregnant with great gains you can't afford to miss. Learn to accept wait and keep working it out.

Read previous posts 

My diabolic husband

My husband's concubine

The Naughtiest Virgin


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