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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Angels On The Runway

Once upon a time, Amini was in a struggle with Olive but their conflict was becoming more intense day after day. It was a fight not ready to end. This was a fight that involved power tussle

and everyone of them wanted to prove his manly power.

Natalia was the source of their problem. She was a bidder. She set a fight for them and making them go into a contest. They were wrestlers and from the same Umuchu community in Aboh. Amini the great wrestler notwithstanding Olive was strong but not as Amini.

Natalia set herself as a bid whoever overcame the battle would marry her. This turned into a great fight. Amini never loved Natalia as Olive but he wanted to prove himself more powerful than Olive. So this fight continued becoming interesting but not funny at all.

Natalia was beautiful, dark in complexion, average height, shapely made curvy hip which attracted many men to her. Olive was in love with her from childhood until Amini came into the picture to wrestle Natalia with him. Every dick and harry in the community knew them as Romeo and juliet even cockroaches in the cupboard knew about them as lovebirds.

Natalia deliberately did it. She knew about the limited wrestling power of Olive but she had always wanted Olive to improve and challenge Amini. This decision started the day she noticed that Olive was scared of going to a wrestling contest with Amini. Natalia had seen opportunity to brave him up. She didn't love Amini but loved his bravery and his warrior skillful tactics, his adroit maneuvering in wrestling. Read also How to be manly and gentle

Women love men who would be able to control and protect them against danger. No woman would want a coward as a man not even a weakling for a husband so did Natalia. She loved power and would want her man to be a renowned wrestler.

So the wrestling contest would be in two days. Natalia was worried should Amini win. She sacrificed to the goddess of power and invoked the spirit of the ancient great wrestler Iguru to empower Olive. Olive never cared about fortification he believed so much in his constant rehearsal and practice. 

The fight began. At first Natalia carried her breathe in her hands when Amini was throwing Olive on the ground countless times but his back wasn't touching the ground. It was about time. It was at the 30 seconds remaining of their wrestling time than Olive heaved him up rotating Amini in the air three times and finally threw him gently on the ground like a baby and smashed his back on the ground. 

The crowd broke down in pandemonium. It was a history and he had broken a record "Almighty Amini has finally been defeated," Olive carried his wife and love home in joy.

Don't ever believe you can't do it. No matter how tedious it appears at the beginning the ending is your overwhelming conquer and victory. See also what you believe makes you

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