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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Magic Dancer

Now see her caught in the throb of a drum

Now tippling from hide-brimmed stem 

Down the lineal veins to ancestral core 

Noble opening out in her supple tan

Her nibble to limb like fresh foliage in the sun 

Look how entangled in the magic melodic music


The magic dancer in trance she treads

The intricate pattern rippling Crest after Crest 

And make sure to meet the green clouds of 

The desert 

Fabulous fierce tremulous beats wake trenchant 

Like the chant of the spirit its melody 

In her heart a descent descant tingling quick

To her finger tips and toes virginal habits long

Verily rudimentary organ for tongue 

I should answer her communal call 

Lose myself in her warm caress

Intervolving earth, sky, sea and flesh 

To match tongue for tongue in flirt.

See related poems 

The song of an Angel 

Coming of the saint 

To my modest mistress

The main route not taken

The Netherlands clouds blossom 


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