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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Dilemma Of A Ghost

Living a ghost life of no destination 

Living out of a shadow on location 

A life of tears, sorrow wandering on

The path of no return of termites 

Bruises all over and hurt in the heart

Life of unending tears of hot and heat

With no joy to return to the mother earth 

When the feeling of taking ones life

When the bell of suicide strikes to ring

She is dead already just wandering 

Which path, heaven or hell

Just the moment she realizes the reality 

Life is unfair to the fair fact to be faced

Looking fixated fidgeting and fierce,

Life is hard to understand in its coin to pay

To frick and trick the descendants to pray

To die and to live again in wonder 

To weary and worry in want

To hope for help in hapless cases in vain

To seek death and refuse to die in rain

Of sorrow that spanks one like whip 

So terrible life could be wary fully armed 

So much ammunition to captured armless.

See related posts 

Sound of sorrow

The main route not taken 

The Netherlands clouds blossom 

The magic dancer

Tis awful parasite sucks


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