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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

The sweet sound from afar a short story

Once upon a time there was a little boy, Okonju whose raffia palm house was built on the outskirts of Awada town. Okonju was always hearing a drumbeat so he made it a
habit to listen to the sweet sound everyday. He didn't find it bad to dance to the rhythm of this drumbeat but the funniest thing is that he didn't know where it was coming from. It was true he quite believed it was from a great distance roamed sound, but that didn't still explain the drumbeat and it's sweet sound with such a priceless rhythm. He couldn't deny the fact that it kept turning to fall his head heels over each time he listened to the sound.

Now Okonju thought it wise that as he was the master of the game and decided to try beating an ancient drum he caved on his own. Whenever he was set to beat the drum he wouldn't find it captivating and interesting as the drum he used to listen to. Good for him he never withdrew from beating the drum and playing the music.

One day, he took his drum to the centre of the town. As he began to play the drum he garnished it with sweet melody which he had never tried before. He restrategized then people began to troop to that square. The drum that motivated him which he couldn't even tell if it was human drum talk more of charging or billing him for offering him such a sweet melody everyday had never asked for anything, now Okonju began to collect shillings from everyone who had come to the scene.

He never knew the secret of a sweet melody. As he resorted to making money out of the drum. He couldn't last in the business. Few days later, he came to the scene with his tax collectors, his ticket official body came to the spot. He was beating the drum from the time he came till he was tired and decided to go home nobody came to the scene.

He never knew that people were in their homes listening to his drum. The music was better listened from afar, that was people's exact thoughts.

If you are the type of person who thinks that leadership is not selfless then you are making a great and terrible mistake. For you to win followers you must serve selflessly. It is always good to do something extraordinary from the normal way, that is the secret of a successful life.

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