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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Dreaming In A dream

It was gettng dark though, feeling a bit like a tipsy reveller but pretending to hold myself. I knew I wasn't in total control of myself after taking marijuana and some
bottles of Heineken that wasn't good combination I knew it like I was still with my eyes I kept forcing my eyes to see a movie. I put the light out like I was in a reverie, I went on a blind date. I wasn't used to dating but this time my uncle talked me into it as a possible means of finding a girl to settle down. And a blind date is a good way to meet someone new according to what he told me and it was convincing and it was my first ever.

Karma walked in though I was still bowing my head down because I was drunk resting my head was the answer. I saw a girl walked toward me. She sat very adjacent to me. She was looking prettily gorgeous dressed in red Indian regalia. 

I never wanted to have anything to do with her. It was supposed to be a blind date to get to know her and everything should be open date right. So I was ready to trade with caution at least to observe blind date etiquette at least it was advisable and very good for someone you are getting to know new or meet for the first time ever. So I never wanted to flirt or have a serious thing with her. Romantic date was out of it. I just wanted to have her contact and moved on. It might work out later the day.

Some minutes later I found myself sleeping in that dream, I thought I was hallucinating but lo I pulled out my lips, stretching it to taste the lips of a waitress who came to serve us meal. I found the waitress extravagantly beautiful that I doubted she was human, thinking it was marine goddess. Yet I couldn't resist it. Though the beauty was strange but tempting.

Suddenly, it seemed the girl disappeared. It vanished in a thin air. "Let this not be a dream! Let this not be a dream!" I screamed woke up from the dream and saw Karma sitting right beside me at my right hand side wearing a smiling face and giving me that sweet look, this time and I stretched my lips again to Karma's to fulfil what I had started in the dream that I couldn't finish.

It was abortive on my first try. I tried the second time but succeeded in hitting my lips on the wall with my head collapsing as it collided on the wall too, I couldn't help jumping up very sad amidst great expectations of having the opportunity to kiss a princess one of a kind. 

Later did I understand that it was about the movie exactly what was happening at the current scene of the movie I was seeing before I dosed off. "Hahahaha," I laughed helplessly at my foolish and hilarious self. It was humourous at first but I regretted after all that I missed a warm kiss. No kisses...

At times we make fool of ourselves but don't allow your foolery to disrupt your reality. Subconscious minds could be deceptive to your real self. Though subconscious mind speaks through our thoughts and actions. Let's imagine and dream less to start acting to work it out. Positive realities, yeah.

Again drug abuse disrupts and disconnects the brain from its socket always avoid it.

Hope you enjoyed the story. Hilarious but worth smiling at, right. Glad we caught you.

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