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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Route not taken

It is true that love is life and life well spent in love is worth a life to live. There is no difference between the shadow of oneself and oneself. The reality of your personality starts with your shadow but not to mince words. I have a destination but a far distant journey indeed.

I am only a sojourner,
A stranger in a far away land.
I am on a quest for a heartbeat 
The strange faces in a strange land,
Leaving me perplex I look appalling and too bewildered.

How then will I know my missing vain,
Blood running through my vain,
How then do I distinguish between a missing rib and a missing vain. 
I have lost my way.

But now I see an angelic regalia
who could this be? Any direction I turn it follows without hesitation. It is very busy mimicking me then I become sad with my face very hurt.

Who is this image? I become more curious. 
Hence showing the emblems, 
the insignia of royalty.
Especially that of the crown, sceptre
Even with all other ornaments used at a  coronation.

It has the same height,
It has the same shape,
I discover it walks exactly in human form. Could this be a sculpture but,
Looking like a robot but more lively.

When I rotate instinctively it does same,
This time I use my hand to purse my face
It does same without wasting a second.
Its haircut, white bulge out looking eyes
Adorned with such admirable features.

I'm in love with it now, 
It keeps me company.
Already I'm gradually falling head over heels 
in love with it. So amazing an image.
It directs my footsteps giving me joy.

Being such a wonderful signal if I had
An enemy or any treacherous creature behind me. I become thankful to my second self. Whence it, I suddenly realize it is part of me.

I look bewildered, it is my figure, it is my shadow. Now it is very important to always involve your shadow. Nobody runs faster than their shadow. Your shadow keeps you company in the dark and most special time of the day. Resist working ahead of your purpose in life. Just like your shadow signifies your personality so you cannot achieve nothing if you try not involving your spirit in every step you make in life. 

Mind works together with purpose to achieve success. Just like your shadow works together with your physical body to dictate and direct your footstep.

Hope you enjoyed the poem. Thanks for your visit. Do check back again! 

Stay safe!

See related posts Self reflection


  1. This is awesome. What an awful start but meaningful poem!


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