In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first
Singles relationship leads to wedding and wedding leads to couples lasting relationship in marriage. What does this mean? To save you from being caught by surprise when you first began to realize how difficult marriage can be. Though, none of us can ever really know what it means to be married until we are married. Consequently, the new couple's return from honeymoon can be a rather rude awakening to very real challenges of two people becoming one and learning to live together.
Reality is that those day-to-day challenges test the words of commitment which you two speak to each other on that specific day of music and lace and love. Unfortunately, we live in an age when commitment doesn't mean what it did a few decades back. Looking around us today and in a variety of organizations, business, relationship, family we see people break their promises and walk away. And a person's word is no longer binding the way it once was and should be.
Funnily it is possible for us to see our commitments to be weakened by the deceptive world's messages and orientations that we can have it all. Whatever you want life will offer you, this is a white lie that ungodly ones use to look for something better, this has a negative effect that it blinds your eyes not to think of how to improve what you already have or be content with what you have.
I want to open your eyes now, broken marriages, families, relationships today is a result of people walking away from the vows they made before God and one another. This shows that humans are not flawless. If one tells you that you can or should always be happy don't listen, or when one tells you that at times you should show dissatisfaction with life; it is very wrong. I am telling you that it's a good virtue for couples or partners in a relationship to be content with their lives. It is only when you are content with your relationship that you can appreciate the relationship. No matter the challenges raving your relationship.
5 differences between wedding and marriage
1. Wedding is a ceremony this ceremony brings about the oral speech, vow, agreement, commitment that brings about the solidification of marriage; marriage is an endless relationship where those vows and agreements are in practicality. So, your commitment before God through your vows spoken in your wedding. Therefore, vows can keep you strong in your marriage( if you are faithful)
2. Wedding is an act of courting, it is basically for solemn agreement; marriage is an in depth commitment.
3. Wedding is unitedness, a jubilation, this is time for pleasantry and joy but after this time when two different people are joined together afterwards serious business of building a lasting home, as a result of the activity where two different individuals are united to be one ever after follows. It is a union of a man and a woman who may or may not have courted; marriage is sacredness. The wedding ceremony is the beginning, but it is afterwards that the couples face the real challenges. Marriage is a teacher. It becomes a teacher regulating you on how to keep your wedding.
4. Wedding is spiritual engagement, God is given charge over the prospective couple; marriage is physical engagement, you engage in love, care, you also engage with your life. Also read, Having integrity in relationship
5. Wedding a moment excitment, the engaged couple don't still understand the movie this time. Overwhelming excitement blindfolds them; marriage is perpetual endurance. It is in marriage that the couple will appreciate this saying; after wedding comes a marriage. Then they will realize the difference between being a bride or groom in a wedding and being a husband or wife in a marriage. Ugh, marriage is what proves maturity. This is when you will understand that wedding is the advanced courtship and part-time relationship, that marriage is reality of what full-time relationship and love represents. In marriage you practice what you learn from each other everyday. That was why I said earlier that marriage is a teacher.
It is good that we know that a beautiful wedding is no indication that the marriage that follows will be beautiful.
During relationship or courtship you can actually play with giving but I am telling you here right away that in marriage real giving is when you give to your spouse what is important to them not considering whether you understand it, like it, agree with it, or not. You do it because you must do it(pure love brings peace in marriage) understanding is the key to a lasting relationship in marriage.
Always acknowledge God in your relationship and be content.
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