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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Why I give my body in exchange for wealth

I was in my inn room, suddenly I heard a knock on the door, "who is it?" I asked in a very low tone. I was scared because I was feeling lonely in the whole house.  I couldn't hold my breath. The thought of running was my last resort,  but how to fly from a storey building,  I began to quiver. Shivering in fear and panic of what would become of me should the
perpetrator catch me. Instantly butterflies began to war in my belly. I began to get ready to fly, setting my arms to fly as if I was a butterfly, hence a sudden rushing wind. 

I sat down tightly I was still scared. I stood up from the seat looking at the window that leads to the backyard. The fear of the supposing injury would be severe, I thought peeping through the window. Unbearable fear gripped me. 

Momentarily,  I began to feel a presence. I was tapped on the shoulder. When I turned instinctively, it was a dark, tall, fiercely looking man. "How did he get in here? Who opened the door for him?," I asked myself. When I tried to look at his face, he was using face mask. I wandered who it was. "Lie down now" he commanded as his voice trembled. He began to roar and his voice kept trembling. 

It was a terrific voice. Such an irresistible voice. I knelt down immediately and began to beg him. He pushed in his hand in my gown to touch my breast. I tried to stop him but he pushed me down. He tore my gown, placing his lips on my breast. I began to scream.

"I won't harm you if you obey whatever I tell you to do now," he said. Caressing my neck. I released urine in my pant. Nobody heard my voice. He was such an enigmatic person as if I was hypnotized. I allowed him have his way, thinking of what to do while his next target was to scrutinize and test his chemistry.

My eyes flashed at a bottle behind my bed. I pushed my hand slowly, he was busy sucking my breast. I quickly hit the bottle on his head, the bottle broke, I began to use the sharp object on him. I kept choking and making openings on his body. As I continued stabbing him, the mask suddenly fell off, behold it was my father's best friend.
I began to shiver in fear, goosebumps all over my body, money from nowhere began to fall on his body. I opened my eyes, peeped through the window it was still night. "What a terrific nightmare! So horrific!

See related, "That despicable night"


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