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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

How to stake wheeled mind

I was on my own when the mind wind began to blossom, suddenly the rushing wind, it kept coming and going. I had to stand on my ground but it blew again I flung away, I found myself at the other side.
I stood up from the sandy ground, I moved back instinctively, I went back to the former spot I was I tried to pick it up, picking the pieces was difficult because the particles had scattered all over, it was as difficult as picking all the pieces of a broken glass and seemed impossible as gathering red oil that poured away and flooded the floor. "What's the problem I began to ask," I couldn't feel my thoughts. Clear thoughts couldn't whirl in but shattered thoughts. 

I tried to concentrate, I calmed my nerves, I rested my head, I tried as much as I could to gather the pieces but it was abortive effort. I looked at myself as a complete chaff, "useless me," I cried out. I grew goosebumps, instant loss of focus, and of weight, couldn't feel myself anymore. I became worried and sad. I was restless that I couldn't arrive at a spot. 

My mind was fussed, yet nothing reasonable could swing up. When a reason managed to spring forth it slowly disappeared. I couldn't feel my head anymore. My heart kept pumping very scary, I could feel sudden butterflies flying in my stomach, my blood was becoming too hot to condole the momentum. I began to feel overwhelming fear that I was doomed.

When I saw that no reasons were coming, no thoughts, I was inspirited to cool my head by placing it on a psychological brussel, see also, "Sacred time" I pushed my head and it hit on a spot. I pick the spotlight. So I did until I was able to gather as much spots as possible, I rested my head. 

It was actually all about the battle between my mind and thoughts. When my mind was unsteady to absorb or digest ideas I felt empty and indecisive having a nostalgic feeling of defeat. When it was floating like a boat under the influence of a wild wind and a storm, just a paralyzed mind, as I finally arrived at a positive mindset. But this overcoming victory was birthed out of persistency and unwillingness to give up, proactive ideas from proactive minds where made, which only active hands could work it out. See also, "why you should not quit"Productive or futile years"Your thoughts"

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