In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first
It's good to win others to your side. See also, "How to win others your side". Instead of allowing others deceive you and win you their side make them to join your train by convincing them. You have all it
Your personality has a lot to contribute to the people's lives. How you present yourself has more significance on who you really are. Your appearance influences people. See also, "positive or negative influence" Your conduct influence others. The words you use speak more about who you really are.
Don't be deceived whatever you do in secret
is never a secret. You think that the secret immoral life is sealed up, but people see even in the darkest part. Every leg that walks fast, sharp eyes see it. Always be conscious of your lifestyle. Thatd why it's important to be of good conduct and behaviour, people of integrity and policy are always focused, determined and successful. Your attitude represents your thoughts, your thoughts represent your mind, your mind speaks who you are, what you believe makes you.See also, "What you believe makes you"
When you allow others dictate for you how to run your life, you are going to be under them. When others live your life for you it means you are impersonifyingand your life is being dictated. You are not worth it. You remain a follower. Living on others set example, means you are psychologically disabled. You can't think out or run your life. See also, "Philosophy "
Whatever you mind thinks your body acts. Your mind is to be inspirited to control your body and actions. Whereas you loosen yourself to the extent that your body begins to detect on how you live your life, the spirit becomes dormant, not doing anything. Meanwhile as a result of this the spirit dies gradually because whenever it wants to act the body will be weak to detect and carry out orders.
You allow people deceive you because you allow the spirit to die. You are only left with your body and your body alone has no control of itself. See also, "Your body value"
You have all it takes to convince others to join you.
Things you need to convince others
Zealous mind
Positive attitude
Selfless disposition
Clear purpose
Leading aright power
Focus attitude
Inspirited to carry others along
Putting others before priority
Representing your words with actions
The worse mistake ever is, not realizing your purpose which is your gift, the reason for your being. Many have died with their purpose, the end up not manifesting. The saddest story a man can tell is to die without touching lives. Every human has a reason and purpose for being. For you not to walk through the wrong spot, just focus and take your time to identify that action that makes you feel happy. It's certain that others will be happy too whenever you manifest it.
See slso, "how your passion becomes pleasure" Work toward that particular direction don't be dismayed or think of shortcuts or to divert simply because some persons are working their ass out to pull you down or make you feel discomfort and lose focus.
Love yourself, love your gift and success. See also, "love master" Love your skills and do well on it. If you were able to identify your gift, your destination nobody will ever deceive you rather you end up converting and convincing others to follow your footprint. Don't join the majority queue, let the majority join your train.
See related posts, "Do you have a reason for being"
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