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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Uphill down in the valley

It is not good to walk on valley, the water flowing area, alas you can trade on hill.
River line areas most time slippery but it's admirable cool coexistence no doubt recreation suites. The difficult pronounced words are the weary less words. Difficult thoughts are the less challenging ideas in actions. It is wrong to measure the abnormalities with abnormalities, comparison chains the bold mind. 

One can either stand beneath the high or the high beneath the one.
Success is living a few years of your life like most won't, so that you can live the rest of your life like most can't.

Proactive minds react and respond negatively to anti-active minds.

Solutions proffered after the deed is better than none.
Life compared with death is like comparing a moving train to an immoval train. Stagnation is uncertified failure.

Babies crawl regardless of the difficulties they encounter during the process because they have a purpose.

Those who resist success are those who take permission from failure. As the teardrop drips, so creative minds drip and nurture ideas.

To resist pain is to resist gain. To the wise, knowledge resistance is wisdom relief.
Knowledge of prudent is overflow of positive ideas.

No idle man walks amist the rich see also, "Challenges define success"

Creative minds are risk bearers; take risk to activate creative ideas.
One who chooses honey ends up with bitter taste.

Inspired minds is a fueled vehicle that transforms inspiration to action.
See related posts, "Your thoughts"

Wheeled minds are indecisive and wind blowing memories.

Don't work to succeed, work to achieve.

Worried mind is action hyssop

Fear of risk is action resistant and anti-success. See also, "Why a lot of people do not end well"

Success is of the mind, failure is of the flesh, when the body weakens to work, flesh overwhelms the mind.

Don't miss our next post "wheeled mind"

Don't forget to drop your comments,  observations and contributions on the comments box


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