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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

15 ways to fix a broken relationship

Two wrongs cannot make a right.Relationship is built, it takes two to tango. Understanding is very important in relationships. 99% of what brings misunderstanding in relationships is misconception. Misconception is lack of trust in relationships. Funnily, men find it difficult to trust their partners but they cheat on their partners. Most of the men who keep side chicks, or one night stand are married and engaged men. Men are not content with their partner yet they are the most jealous lovers. 

Women are very protective and it costs them their beautiful relationships. Men don't like to be checkmated because of this they frown at every close watch of their move and get agitated when their partner checks them. They need their legal move as kings not to be seen as stalemate in a chess game. Men need a break no doubt they need space. They believe whatever they do, even if they cheat, they are right. It is in their nature because they are egoistic they are right amiss their wrong.

How is your relationship? Is it breaking or has it broken already? Don't worry here are 15 ways to fix a broken relationship. Apply them and see that your broken relationship restored.

15 ways to fix broken relationship 

1. Accept you are wrong 
2. Always take the blame
3. I'm at fault
4. I'm sorry 
5. Politeness 
6. Act of love
7. Showing concern 
8. Implore sincerity 
9. Being kind 
10. Be quiet when your partner is upset 
11. Sincere remorse 
12. Rekindling talks
13. Soft voice when settling issues 
14. Fire extinguisher 
15. Put your partner first

1. Accept you are wrong

This is directly going to her. Because men have ego and they always want to protect their ego, why not pretend to be wrong always. Having in mind that life goes on when you pretend all is well no matter the situation. The problem is that she always wants to compete with the man. That's very wrong. He's the man, don't murmur, it's true that responsibility has to be shared equally. Men hate it when their partner's act seems a challenge to them or when their partner is questioning their actions.

2. Always take the blame 

Taking the blame when there is argument. Always give him the credit that he's right instead. Even when otherwise, tell him that you acknowledge and apportion blame on yourself. If possible hit your chest that you're going to adjust or work on your flaws. Men feel reduced when blame is shifted to them. It takes understanding and tolerance to keep and humble a man in a relationship.

3. I'm at fault

He feels respected when she acts submissive. It makes him feel a real man. Like I mentioned it on the previous way, his pride is restored when she takes the blame and accepts she is faulty. No doubt this goes a long way to bringing his shoulder high low. It humbles him that it pushes him to take a moment of serenity to reason why you act the way you do. It eventually grows his love for her. 

4. I'm sorry

I'm sorry is the greatest weapon to weaken a raging angered heart. Most people don't say this three but uncommon and strongest words. 'I am sorry' is just three common words but it strengthens relationships. The problem with most people is that they think that saying this means they are wrong. But they get it all wrong. To preserve your relationship don't fail to implore this three solid words in every situation. When there is issue to end it before it gets out of hand, say I'm sorry to your partner and the issue is over. To settle already broken relationship it takes one to volunteer to apologize just to restore the relationship and that one is you. It doesn't matter who comes with apologies, what matters is who is courageous enough to cause the reunion. 

5. Politeness 

Are you the type that don't know how to approach or talk to someone with calm voice and low tone? This is it! Learn it today because to build a strong relationship you must learn how to talk. Especially some women are impolitic. They are bad mannered to the extent that they don't have sweet voice or lovely tone. Take it that it's not your fault after all because not every woman is romantic anyway. But you train it, you practice it. Mind the way you approach him. The way you talk to him matters. Be conscious when handling him because generally men are easily upset by slight and unserious attitude and they react with hurt. They always need to be treated like an egg.

6. Act of love

Present lovable and pleasant gifts to your partner.  Get the unusual gifts to win their heart. Offering sweet and amazing surprises melts, mellows or rather softens heart. No matter how hot and angry your partner is, try show him by reassuring your love, if you happened to go out or visit any present shops and see beautiful stuff get it for your partner. Visits shops, boutiques (considering your financial worth don't extend beyond your capacity) get expensive wears for your partner. No matter how heavy his or her heart is they will appreciate it. Presents or gifts calm boiling heart. Gift is the greatest sign of love.

7. Show concern

Be the first to walk up to him or her, make them see reasons why the relationship should not be broken. Remind him or her the lovely moments shared. Reassure your love to your partner. Ask him or her for a chance to make it right. Promise your partner that you're are going to ignite the fire of your love. Give them every reason to believe you that you sincerely want them back.

8. Implore sincerity 

Believe it or not he knows when you are sincere in your talks, he also knows when your apologies are real. He knows when you are telling the truth. They know every tactic and deception their partners implore. In fact, they are heart indicator therefore treat matters with them courteously and genuinely to avoid getting abortive results. Let your love glow in your eyes and attitude.

9. Being kind

Kind people are ever loved. They are lovable people, very soft and tender, therefore to fix broken relationship, try to be kind. Being generous doesn't mean you are extravagant, it means you care for other people's welfare.  Show him or her that they matter. Show them they are your priority. At this point you have to be tender and soft hearted. Show your partner loving attitudes. You can help them out, it mustn't be financially but helping in domestic works at home, engaging in laundry. Doing amazing things irrespective of your stake in the relationship. It is when you show formidable character that your approach becomes questionable. 

10. Be quiet when your partner is upset

I said earlier that two wrongs cannot make a right. It is wise when one unleashes his or her anger that the other listens to know where to start in apologies. You can only find out the cause of issue when you listen to your partner, reason it. Read good listening skills, this helps you build good listening skills. Being quiet doesn't mean you should snub your partner. Again if worsens the situation when you make it look like you spurn your partner disdainfully. Fixing a broken relationship you have to be careful, find out his or her anger. It could be as a result of fears, insecurity, untrust. Allow him or her to talk. Once they are finished talk then, you talk in apologetic manner. Remember you have to accept and take the blame even otherwise.

11. Sincere remorse 

Like I said earlier, a man knows when you are sincere. They are heart investigator. The read your mind. Don't doubt this. That's why you don't have to belittle them. If you are truly interested to fix your relationship, show him you are sincerely apologizing for your wrong (even when otherwise) sincere remorse dismisses resentment. No matter how tough your partner is, he will have conviction that deep down you you are for real.

12. Rekindling talk 

Implore softness by investing assuring words to rekindle the shattered and broken heart. Make him feel respected. Pamper him, make him feel he or she is the best thing that has happened and will ever happen to you. This is when sweet mouth should be twisted. Let every word that comes out of your mouth be sugary so that you don't add salt to the already wound. Use sweet names on your partner. All this is to gather  the broken pieces together. 

13. Soft voice when settling issues 

Learn to be soft in your voice, this helps you settle issues with your partner. Like one of the popular saying; it is good tongue that the snail uses to climb prickly thorns. You can restore your relationship through the way you handle the situation. If you implore harsh tone, after all if your partner doesn't want you he or can go, such relationship will end up unfixed. In every disagreement, courtesy demands for restoration. 

14. Fire extinguisher

when the fire tries to be set or is ignited be the one to extinguish it. It is up to you to make yourself available,  devote yourself to be fuel quencher. Always treat the issue with calmness and leniency. This shows you have surrendered. Ignore pride. Don't challenge your partner because if you do it means you are challenging your partner to war. One thing is that you can't battle with love. If truly you feel love for your partner you should be ready to calm your partner.

15. Put your partner first

Love doesn't cost a thing. If you truly love him or her, putting them as your priority is not a big deal. How'd it be a difficult task to fare for your partner, cater and place their feelings priority. 
Let your partner feel and see it that you really value them and that's why you need them back in your life and in the relationship. You show them notable signs, prove it that you value and respect their feelings. Let it be seen through your attitude. Behave it, showing actions is more convincing than saying it. This post helps you on how best to treat your partner, Five tips for investing in her.

Thanks to you our quintessential readers for staying with us on our long post.
Do visit us again as we talk on 10 ways to building a healthy relationship 


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