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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

10 ways to building a healthy relationship

If it was to define relationship I would say that relationship is the act of  keeping a close and strong friendship, it could be cordial most times. On the other hand it could be casual, though casual is usually for irregular friends. Cordial is used for constant seeing friends, there is a strong string attached, bond, unclipped link. It is always tight, most times involving, feeling of love swings. 

It usually revolves around love and romance. On the other hand we keep beautiful relationships that are more than having just romantic moments. One thing you should know is that we build quality relationships we don't just make it as we can make friends. This is the kind of relationships we build in business as partners. The bond is stronger that the two families get involved entirely. It could go beyond romance but can still lead to romance anyway.

Ugh, I should be deviating from the main point of discourse. Let's get it straight don't get it twisted like most of us tangle it and probably misconceiving it at the hearing of relationship. We can actually make that friend a relation. This means taking them as your own, seeing and treating them like your family. This is relationship. Relationship is advanced level of friendship. The kind of people seen around you are what you are. If you are one of a kind with big dream associate and keep company with those with prospects. Those that have large vision, think big and see farther. Seek for a partner who knows better than you do. 

10 ways to building healthy relationship will help you build the best and lasting relationship.

10 ways to building a healthy relationship 

1. Know who you are

2. Learn to manage your weaknesses 

3. Your 'look outs' in a partner

4. Don't be a receiver

5. Don't expect only good qualities 

6. Be a teacher to your partner

7. Be romantic

8. Share same dreams and vision with your partner

9. Fly kite together

10. Love messages

1. Know who you are

Do you know who you are, really? The problem is that most people do not know who they are. It is only when a person understands himself and know that personality he's carried that they would be able to carry shoulder high. Keeping partner that is your kind that will only happen when you go for your match. How do you go for your match? Always consider and go for your match, learn zodiac signs. Find out your matching partner, birthdays have their perfect birthdays when it comes to relationship and go for them. When you have a wrong person as a partner, you missed your way at first, but you can still manage it, don't be dismayed. You can still correct your partner and bring them to your side. You influence, positive attitude is a product of belief, helps you influence your partner aright. But it is best you don't open your eyes to make blind choice. 

2. Learn to manage your weaknesses

It is best we handle our temperament perfect. Management of character traits is very necessary. Learn how to oppose your flaws don't hide them. It is better to have combat with those weaknesses. For instance, a bad tempered person is irregular in attitude and he is dramatic. He gets upset at any slight thing and he easily disconnects mentally because of unnecessary misconceptions, then I will refer you to go for a calm partner because if you get a wearying or violent partner that relationship will really be unhealthy. 

Are you are a type who lies at all time? You need a loyal and trustworthy partner, they can help you manage your bad habits. Having a talkative as a partner when you also talks too much. It won't augur well for the relationship except you control yourself by working fervently on your weaknesses and flaws, but I bet it's easier said than done but managing your flaws is agreeable. My dear friend, you need a cool and talkless partner if you are a talkative that's the truth. Because with a talk free partner there is going to be a problem. Read on The easiest way to identify your temperament. 

3. Your 'look outs' in a partner

What do you want in a partner? This is wonderful in fact, one in a million question when you want to go into a relationship. Find a partner with at least 50% of your qualities or 'look outs' in a partner. You have to go out for some partner that has pass mark, below your pass mark is a big problem. Don't compromise or try to patronize. Don't worry he will change. I know she will make a better partner to me soon. NO, stop guessing and assuming. Don't predict because humans are unpredictable. Forget about soon, when and live on the NOW. Find a partner with good qualities and have a healthy relationship with them. You choose your partner, your partner doesn't choose you.

4. Don't be a receiver

Be the type that loves giving more than receiving. Be selfless don't be a selfish lover. Anyone who loves receiving is not going to make a good partner in a relationship. Take it or leave it, relationship involves more of giving. You donate more to keep it on. When you make remarkable contributions in a relationship your partner will have conviction that you are caring and will not only cherish you but reciprocate. Even the beastly heart gets seldom by a giving heart no two ways about this. If you want to win a heart make giving a habit. 

If you want to build a healthy relationship learn to give. You give your time, money, love, kind, care. If you are stingy in any of this my dear friend you are zero in all. Building warmth around your partner is a noble giving virtue. Don't always expect to be the receiver. Expecting to receive from your partner at all times. Don't be a pathetic excuse for a man. Be a cheerful and generous lover. Be active and more of your activeness is shown by giving.

5. Don't expect only good qualities

I must tell you the truth. No human is perfect, no matter how hard you try to work on your knock downs you still won't be flawless. So, it is better you erase the thought of being flawless and start to manage your weaknesses. Having knowledge of this you shouldn't expect 100% character wise partner rather you help them build more good qualities you have ever desired for and in them. If you are a type that likes fashionable guys. You admire them so much,  unfortunately you are attracted by his giving quality. It is his nature though but it can be amenable. Why not brush him, why not brush her. Queue them to the fashion world make the feel the trend. It is your duty to make your partner look exactly the way you find attractive. 

Don't lock them down in the shallow, bring them out. Your partner doesn't flirt, you feel bored around them, don't expect her to change over night. Knowledge doesn't fall from the sky neither does it come from the moon. Why not let him or her know. Hey, honey, I like you to be in dresses as this or that. Honey, I don't like what you are putting on, remember you don't criticize them in the guise of correcting them. And the worse you could do at that moment is to compare. Comparison is a wrong compelling attitude.

6. Be a teacher to your partner

Finding out why your partner acts they way they do is the fundamental step to building a healthy relationship. It is when you have found out their flaws, knowing their temperament. Read temperament. That is when you will know where to start to help your partner, correct and overcome flaws and manage their weaknesses. You have to understand that we need help from one another to survive this implies more in relationships.

Those good qualities you expect from your partner help them build those 
qualities. They can't do it alone. You have to be there for your partner. Avoid abusive words, learn to correct their wrongs politely, teacher them with love and be very conscious and lenient.

7. Be romantic

Don't always be too tight when you're in a relationship. Losen up. 'Losen up' doesn't mean you will fall cheaply to your partner NO, be a care taker. Handle your partner's case very carefully, always try to find out their problem and be there for them in their challenging times. Be very close to your partner. That's why many a man believes in courtship before marriage learn more why courtship?But I am assuring you that assuming you unfortunately find yourself in a marriage where you never courted with your partner, hey, you can survive and conquer. We learn everyday; when you stop learning you stop breathing. 

Being romantic doesn't cost you your pride. Knowing the things your partner like and what doesn't is easy to learn. Be psychological. May you shock you that 75% of broken relationships and marriages is as a result of lack of understanding , even most of them must have ended up courting for years before marriage yet having poor understanding of each other. 

Another truth is that some women and men are too ignorant to be romantic. They believe that being romantic to their partners will make them look like whore (especially  some women) that notion is very wrong, it is good to flirt around your man. He needs your flirting support to reduce his burden at work, relieve his day's stress and depression. The problem is that you can't tell the billion dollars souls you revive through act of love and romance. Likewise our partner needs more of this. Hey, to you men same applies to you all. Don't give your attention to your business, make her feel your warmth. 

8. Share same dreams and vision with your partner

Don't go for a partner who is anti vision with you. Someone who doesn't understand your purpose there is nothing you will ever do to make them understand. But if he or she manages to envision your future with you, it will be easy for them to share your vision and possibly help you to achieve your dreams. If your dream is music and you envision to be a great gospel musician, you have a partner who doesn't like music talk more of gospel, do you ever think the relationship will be fun? NO, it won't, I tell you. Sharing the same dreams and aspirations with your partner helps in mapped out plans and setting goals. Like the popular saying, two heads are better than one. Work together, dream dreams together and achieve together. 

9. Fly kite together 

share your beautiful moments together. Tips to reassure her helps you to building a romantic, and memorable moments. You invest in your partner your time, financially, advice, emotional support and what have you. You share quality time flexing your partner. It is very important that you have good time with your partner that you find unforgettable. Share your happiness and sadness together. You don't laugh when your partner is unrest and sad. You don't feel comfortable when your partner wearies. Sharing of troubled  and peaceful moments together shows oneness. And oneness is what holds relationship. Tighten your relationship by doing everything together. 

10. Love messages

Show you care about him or her, make them feel important in your life. Show them that they are occupying the important position in your life and they are part of you. Make your partner feel that you can't do without  him or her. Place your partner priority.  Put them first ahead of your want and every other thing you do. This includes sending lovely text messages, I miss you messages, I care about you messages, l bless the day I met you messages. Love cards symbolizing the measure of your love for your partner, best wishes cards. Send them that message that lits up smiles on their face. When you make your partner feel valued, they won't love you less, no matter what, they will surely reciprocate. Always keep your partner in mind. By making them feel your presence even in your absence.

Read also, 15 ways to fixing a broken relationship 


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